Title: “Chocolate”
Fandom: Bleach
Characters: Yachiru, Soi Fong
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Disclaimer: Bleach not mine.
Yachiru continued her Making the Court of Pure Souls a Happier Place campaign.
“Does Soi-chan want some candy? It’s pink bubblegum.”
Soi Fong ignored her.
“How about gummy bears? They’re a little sticky, but they’re not completely melted.”
Soi Fong pushed the sticky fingers away.
Yachiru frowned cutely and sucked clean her stick, blue and green gummy fingers. “How about rock candy?”
“Cake with lots of icing and sprinkles?”
“Dark chocolate?”
Soi Fong twitched, but it was a slightly different twitch than she had been doing so far.
“I like dark chocolate,” she said very, very quietly.