This ended up being heavily based on and drawn from a speech by a different Makoto in a
different person's fanfic. I'm trying to learn to imitate the style of that, though I fear I will never have the skill at word choice to be epic, if adapted for various Sailor Moon canon and head-canon in between the 40k turns of phrase. I'm also, elsewhere, attempting to learn to write the proper tone for Lovecraftian horror, which thus far involves inserting "hideously gibbous" into the prose a lot.
Note: the star gods as mentioned here have nothing whatsoever to do with the star gods of WH40k.
Title: War in Heaven
Author: purplekitte
Medium: Fanfic
Theme: Myths and Fairytales--Creation
Genre: Drama
Version: Manga
Rating: PG
We are those who come after and we must remember that we do not repeat the mistakes of those who went before.
As the gods of stars came to know themselves, they ignited. So light came to be, and the clustering of things together into ordered forms.
They knew war. The War in Heaven scorched galaxies and lit the void between stars with supernovae and quasars. For Chaos saw the light of the gods and it knew hunger and it knew hate and the Void sought to reclaim that which once was its.
The gods burned brightly then, but the war was too costly with Chaos and Nothingness aligned against Order. The gods of Order, in their desperation, made a deal with Chaos, that they work together to lock the Great Devourer from the universe. So the Silence, the Nothing, was put away, to eat its own tail, and all that remained in the universe might be changed, but not destroyed. For their aid, entropy, Chaos, was given the eventual fate of the universe for its own, dooming us all all the same.
That was the end of the first age, and the war quieted. From the rock and gas and ice of their trains, the star gods made the younger gods, the planets. The planets awoke to life, and life, tiny specks of organic molecules and biochemical processes, awoke on them.
These tiny seed souls reached out to the souls of their planets, so the gods came to know them. The star gods had gone to sleep and the planets too saw that the less volatile universe was not a place for them and they were cooling in their cores. The gods put their own star seeds in one of their own children each generation that they might act through them. These were days of glory, of the Great Peace and the Silver Millennium and Sailor Galaxia was gentle and merciful and looked to fondly for friendship and counsel by all the little empires across space.
But Chaos had long fought the Void to keep its promise and grew in consciousness and knew itself. It sought to do as Order had done and it seduced mortals to its side and created creatures for itself in reflection of what it had seen on planets and fighting the Void, and these were demons.
Many were the demons known to our ancestors, but few names remain to us. Metallia, who drowned in darkness the mother of our savior. The Death Phantom, the time warper in the outer dark. Pharaoh 90, the despair-bringer. More terrible than all of them, the spirit of Chaos united itself claimed the ultimate prize, the Golden One. Strongest, wisest, and most beautiful among mortals was Galaxia, and her purpose became the purpose of Chaos and her virtues warped by cruelty and turned to conquest. So the second age ended.
The War of Galaxia’s Conquest was long and filled with suffering beyond recording. The Senshi of each planet had her star seed ripped from her and added to Galaxia’s vast horde, turning over to those of impure souls, the traitors and conspirators and chaos cultists. System by system, arm by arm, the galaxy fell, none being able to unite against her.
Great was the Eagle Hegemony, but they fell to rot from within, betrayed to their deaths by their own. Great was the Horsehead Nebula Kingdom, but they were overwhelmed by might.
The turning point came when those of the small system Kinmoku were cast into exile rather than death and came to the planet of Holy Terra, overlooked in the wider war so far. There dwelt our lady in her youth, and Galaxia and all her retinue followed them there.
By their power and their glory, one by one the followers of Galaxia were cast down by the champions of Order. Our lady did not falter when assailed by losses. The traitors in her ranks proved twice duplicitous and truly loyal.
Sailor Moon, as she was known then, was left at the Galaxy Cauldron, where Sailor Galaxia the Golden was freed of her overshadowing and died as herself. There she stood, alone, the fate of the galaxy in her hands. To preserve the Cauldron, the war with Chaos would continue forever, and all new things would be tainted by the great enemy. To destroy it, there would have been peace, but the false peace of kine until the invariable fall into the night. The gods of old made this true: entropy will win in a closed system. Chaos will not hurt the Cauldron, for the artifact was made as the greatest weapon in the war with the Void; it is the Creator to stand against the Destroyer, and Chaos has its vows too. Only we may lift hand against it, but in her wisdom our lady, beloved by all, resisted temptation, else we would live in a galaxy where, one by one, the stars would go out and never ignite again.
Such was the third age.
Lady Serenity left her little planet to her daughter and became Sailor Cosmos, Order incarnate, for we needed her. Chaos had been changed by her time as Galaxia, had become a her rather than an it, and had become more terrible and fell than ever before as Sailor Chaos.
We live and we die, across the galaxy. We die in fire and ice, in fear and pain. Shall we feed Chaos with our lives too? This is what is asked of us: to live to the fullest, to love, to build and shape. As the Cauldron creates new things from nothing, neither Chaos nor Void shall take our hope. As our Lady Cosmos burns bright with the light of stars in her eyes, we who come before urge you who come after, have faith in her. A woman without faith is one who has given in to despair, for it is our light in the darkness. We are weak but there is power in our faith, in knowing we shall survive and prevail, in knowing we are and will be great.
We have suffered and you will suffer, but our star seeds are our own and go to the Galaxy Cauldron in light. So live, we pray, live to glorify Cosmos and do not waste what life you have. This is the wisdom of the days of old, passed down from our foremothers, until the wondrous day when we have final victory.