Yay, Neprhite/Naru! I am a terrible, terrible romantic when it comes to these two.
Title: The Last Senshi
purplekitteTheme: Shitennou--Cliche
Genre: Angst
Version: Anime
Rating: PG
“No! Naru-chan!” Usagi cried.
Not again! would have been a better comment. Naru-the-Demon-Magnet was at it again.
“Mmm, energy,” crooned the generic monster-of-the-day.
Usagi-chan, run! Staying a bit conscious at times like this had become easier. You really could get used to anything. Sailor Moon, help me! Umino! Nephrite!
She felt a presence with her and a spectral form appeared before her. Am I dying? Dead? she wondered.
Naru-chan. She felt the strength of his love.
“Is it time?” Can I be with you now?
No. She was crestfallen at the coldness of his response. She felt him soften. It’s not your time yet. You still have more to do. No one can save you right now. I know you’re strong. You have to save yourself.
Naru had never seen herself as strong. She had never been anything but weak and helpless. A damsel-in-distress. Not that she wouldn’t have loved not to need saving anymore. Not that she wouldn’t have loved to keep other people from being like her.
Her body stirred with more power than she had thought she still possessed. Maybe it was some of his. She cried out, “Eris Crystal Power! Makeup!”
The monster-of-the-day had Sailor Moon in its grasp and Sailor Mars pinned under another tentacle.
“Shining Prism Chain Dark Fire Thunder Evolution Majestic Turbulence Spinning Tide Death Chaos Beam!” Sailor Eris called.
The thing crumbled into dust. No body to have to deal with. There was never a body, was there?
The Sailor Senshi came over to greet their newest member; Sailor Moon immediately jumping all over her enthusiastically.
Naru allowed herself a singly tear, burned away by the heat of the magic as she detransformed. Oh Nephrite, the place where your spirit resides, let me go there.