Title: New Years' Dawn
purplekitteTheme: Post-series--Hang
Genre: Drama
Version: Anime
Rating: PG
She was giggling, giggling!, and so was he. They ran hand-in-hand down the dark, but unusually well-populated tonight back streets of Crystal Tokyo in the pre-dawn hours.
“Leaving our husbands’ beds and running off in the middle of the night like this?” she chided.
“People will think we’re having a sordid love affair.”
They laughed more, their laughter bright and warm as spring bells.
“Where do you want to go, Kyoko-san?”
“To--One of the Crystal Points? No, that would probably be painful. Tokyo Tower, then.”
“You want me to teleport you up there?”
“Whatever do you mean, Shin-san?” she blinked at him innocently. “I brought all the grappling line and hooks along with me.”
“So we won’t be going anywhere but home to bed after this. We’ll be too sore.”
“I landed us tickets to Asai Minako’s little quiet brunch party. At her residence outside the Crystal Palace.”
She gave him not an intimate huge, but a friendly glomp to tell him she wanted up, now.
He brought them to a beam above the observation post. The queen of the Dark Kingdom and her second-in-command leaned on one another, thinking very vividly between them of when he had been Kunzite and she had been a little girl looking for Jadeite and it had been New Years.
As the sun began to rise under their watchful eyes, she asked, “When the bells rang at midnight, did you make a wish?”
The two figures on Tokyo Tower were silhouetted back against a red morning sky, more like a painting than living people, but finally the taller one spoke. “Yeah. Yeah, I did.”