Title: Slave Harem
purplekitteTheme: Crack--Market
Genre: Drama
Version: Anime
Rating: PG-13
“I like the looks of that one.”
“Your Highness, in a…”
“Who’d have expected to find a gem like her in a place like this?”
Endymion had use quite a bit of artistic license in finishing the sentence, but the servant nodded along.
“A dead-ringer for the Lunar Princess, really. Buy her and have her sent to my harem.”
“Yes, Your Highness. If you would--”
“No. I’ve seen all I will for today. On second thought, have her sent to my chambers and summon Kunzite to my office.”
“Yes, Your Highness.”
* * *
“What are you doing here, Serenity?!”
“Oh Endymion!” she cried, throwing herself into his arms. “I couldn’t stand being apart from you!”
“And you got yourself kidnapped by slavers. Or was that accidental? Was that all part of some hair-brained master plan of yours that I’m just missing?!”
“I’m sorry, Endymion…”
“We are going right to see Kunzite and he’s going to get you back before anyone knows you were gone.”
Endymion turned and stalked off, leaving Serenity. “Hey! Aren’t you even going to ask if I’m alright?”
“Of course you are. Even in a low-class place like that they know how to best preserve worth. And you haven’t been gone long enough for me to hear a panic from the Moon, so nothing would be healed yet, anyway.”
“Why does Earth still practice that barbaric custom?”
“As you just said, we’re barbarians.”
“I’m sorry, Endymion.”
He took her into his arms and kissed her with relief finally showing above his anger. “I don’t care who gets suspicious. Never visit me unannounced again.”