sm_monthly May 3 theme

Aug 15, 2007 19:09

Title: Aliens!
Author: purplekitte
Theme: Crack--Jaw
Genre: Comedy
Version: Anime
Rating: PG

The chitinous nail ran down the side of his jaw line, sharper and denser than a human’s.

“Are you from space?” Mamoru inquired politely.

“Yes. Why do you ask?”

“Ah, that explains it.”

“What? Explains what?” the four-dimensional siliconate alien princess asked her captive.

“Not everyone molesting me is an alien, but every alien wants to molest me.”

“This happens to you a lot?”

“Yeah, fairly often. I have a track record. Serenity, Metallia, Natsumi, Fiore, it goes on.”

“So… uh… should I drop you back off in Tokyo?”

“Roswell, if you would. My support group is meeting there this week.”

original characters, pairing: het, series: sailor moon, pairing: slash, rating: pg, pairing: multiple, character: chiba mamoru

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