Title: Prima Donna
purplekitteTheme: Crack--"Acting is a way of living out one's insanity." - Isabelle Hupert
Genre: Drama
Version: Anime/PGSM
Rating: PG-13
“No, of course I won’t speak to her, the hack, stealing my second husband.”
“But Miss Hino, she is a very respected reporter--”
“Usagi Tsukino is a screaming fangirl who’s never forgiven me for supplanting Minako Aino from her high seat. Hey, is the makeup done already? I need to be on set and this is taking so long. That’s what we get for letting Mexicans have all the jobs now.”
“Next thing you know they’ll be in the acting business.”
“Don’t even joke like that. There’s enough trouble with no talent set pieces straight out of acting school.”
“The director’s calling for all actors, Miss Hino.”
“I’ll get there when I damn well do. I am the prima donna, after all.”
“More like the diva,” her assistant muttered.