Title: A Mystery Not Yet to be Answered
purplekitteTheme: Family--Generation gap
Genre: Angst
Version: Anime
Rating: PG
“Great-grandmother,” Princess Setsuna said respectfully.
“Yes, child?”
“Why am I the only child in the palace?”
For all that they were a clan that believed in truth, there was the matter of timing. As mature as she was in speech, her great-granddaughter was still only a few years old.
How could she say “Because every person on this planet is going to die in a few years and the royal family knows it”?
“Your father has decreed that children be fostered on Earth, not the palace,” not that anyone is having any. “You are here because you will be Sailor Pluto after your grandmother.”
The explanation seemed to satisfy the small girl for now, but it wouldn’t long and soon she would have to know the truth, that she would be the only survivor.