Title: Slaves of the Cycle
purplekitteTheme: Favorite character (Kunzite)--Werewolves
Genre: General
Version: Manga
Rating: PG
“I hate the Moon,” Zoisite growled.
The sound was barely human and Nephrite’s answer of “I hate the dependence but love the power” didn’t come out in words.
Kunzite stopped trying to speak human at all, but they were far enough along that they all understood the white wolf’s howl that the hunt was beginning. The one who leapt forward to lead the pack was not him, but the alpha, no longer prince, Endymion.
With yelps of bloodlust, the russet, gray, and brown wolves took off after the black and white into the shadowy, densely-treed forest, lit by the painfully bright full moon hanging overhead.