Title: Frozen Over
purplekitteTheme: Favorite character (Kunzite)--First Line
Genre: Angst
Version: Anime
Rating: PG
If hope was a thing with feathers, then perhaps despair was a shattered wing.
What a piece melodramatic claptrap. Like something the annoying solider of love and justice would spout in one of her speeches.
Kunzite knew better. Hope was not thinking about the future and refusing to contemplate that things might change. Despair was Beryl’s blast of power and his lover dying in his arms.
Surrounded by his beloved’s beloved sakura, Kunzite felt nothing resembling hope, but the despair was draining from him as well, leaving nothing in its place. He felt no emotion whatsoever, like his insides were standing perfectly still. That was the opposite of both, all, emotions.