sm_monthly May 16 theme

Nov 08, 2007 18:46

Title: Survivor: Moon Kingdom
Author: purplekitte
Theme: Crack--Classic TV
Genre: Comedy, Drama (not that it deserves the term)
Version: PGSM
Rating: PG

“A moment like this,” belted Usagi out of tune.

“Okay, okay, that’s enough,” Luna cut her off.

“But I didn’t get to sing,” the blonde whined.

“Yes, yes. I know. The American Idol contest is over. So, everyone cast your vote for who gets voted off the island this week.”

“Usagi,” said Rei immediately. “I never want to hear her sing again.”

“Rei.” Usagi stuck out her tongue.

“Minako. She sings too well,” said Makoto.

“Ami… She’s too quiet,” Minako said suspiciously.

Everyone turned to stare at Ami, who ducked her face. “Makoto,” she said quietly.

Luna announced, “You all loose.”

series: sailor moon, rating: pg, character: tsukino usagi, character: luna, character: kino makoto, character: aino minako, character: mizuno ami, pairing: gen, crossover, character: hino rei

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