This my first tutorial (possibly my last). This was made with Photoshop 7. Feel free to ask any questions if you need clarifying or anything else you want to know. I hope this makes at least a little sense.
We will be making this icon :
I started with
this cap from
captain_sam Crop it to 100px x 70px. Then do the following: duplicate base>set to screen>sharpen it; duplicate screened layer>lower opacity until it's not too bright (probably around 50%)--if you think the image still needs to be a littler sharper>sharpen top layer again;
NOW go to Layer>New Adjustment Layer>Gradient Map> click on one the preset gradients: Black,White and select ok (yes the image will be black and white...for now)>now on your layer menu you should have the gradient map as your top layer>set it to Soft Light and this time lower the opacity until it's bright enough for your liking. FLATTEN IMAGE!
Copy that (flattened) image into a NEW 100x100 document.(it should then become Layer 1)
Fill the background(bottom) layer with
set to Multiply @ 20% opacity.
Add new layer and apply this brush
(cannot remember who did this, but it should be somewhere in my resources, please tell me if you know) in #3F1C10 set to Multiply @ 100% > duplicate this layer and set to Overlay @ 30%.
Add a new layer on top. This time apply this brush
soulkiller in #9A112 Multiply @ 100%
*a note for this brush, when applying it I click twice, so it's actually doubled*
The I use the Line tool and apply a 2px line across both the top & bottom of the image itself in a black color, just to let the image stand out more
Now above the image layer, add a new layer a fill it with a gradient- I used this one
, set it to Soft Light @ 50%
Almost done--now the text. I did ARIAL 14pt >anti-alias:strong >tracking -50 in a whitish color, added a drop shadow > 2px distance, 0% spread, 0px size; set the text layer to Linear Light @ about 85%....and that's it! (well I added a small black border to it, but that's not necessary)
To recap: Your layer pallete should be like this(from bottom to top):
background/bottom layer:
Layer 2:
Layer 2 copy:
Overlay 30%
Layer 3:
Layer 1: IMAGE
Your 2 line layers here.
Layer 4:
and TaDa!
Since this is my first tutorial, any comments & feedback are much appreciated!