(no subject)

Mar 08, 2007 21:25

In other news That only a very few will understand/enjoy:

My younger brother is in hospital. Im not taking this seriously either... Its quite the joke to me.

The Boy is 19 and needed his hand held to go to the doctor after he had a sore throat for a week and a half.

Just speaking to dad now it looks like punkin has tonsillitis and hes probably going to get them removed... *rolls eyes*

Its amusing cos when i saw him he was all doped up on pain killers and he seemed like he finally had relief... heh id offered him the strongest over the counter pain killers you can get here and he turned them down only 24 hours before.

*sigh* i wish hed grow some balls. But then again i only fractured my tibia and survived quite well doing everything for myself in a full leg cast for 8.5 wks. pfffffffft

Oh and id wish that
his girlfriend (aka slutbags) would realise that you know with my brother in hospital that she could you know go home to her own family... maybe?

In other news:

I caught up with my ex (aka "him") last night weve been broken up for a month and well things seem back to the fun good old days. So god only knows whats going to happen there.

I did however sneak out, jump in the car and pick "him" up and crash at his last night. It was fun just talking about things and the family stuff and watching a couple of movies. *sigh* Just hoping he stays the nice awesome "him" that i love, not the jackass arsehole that his friends try and turn him into from time to time...

Uni today was good, when i finally turned up. Had a debate in the tut. Tutor is someone ive never had before but he seems cool.

I go back to work tomorrow. I dont have to do anything else but buy elastoplast to stick over my blisters (damn new shoes!) and go to work. Ill be happy for a nice quiet day!

How strange... a nice quiet day in my life... Hell

must have frozen over!
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