Goodness gracious, I'm updating Dogwood. It's been two years since the last pages were uploaded. Yeegh. Gomen nasai, mina-sama.
Even when I'm trying to be faster, I'm a slow comicker. And I don't know if anyone will like me after this update, it's not exactly a happy one...
Dogwood Blossoms
previous main post Dogwood Ch4: Stories, p11-17
Acknowledgments and Disclaimer: The fate of no one historical was changed by the making of this comic.
Inuyasha-tachi belong to Takahashi Rumiko and everyone she has sold them to. This is a mostly nonprofit fan work that I'm really slow at.
So the question is, would y'all prefer if I kept up this system of updating in several-page chunks, or would you rather I came out with a page at a time as I finish them?
The several-page chunk is better for reading, but I have to get all the pages done at once, which at least this time caused me lots of trouble. Spreading them out does feel like spreading the work out a bit, a least with this. What do you think?
Dogwood Blossoms
previous main post