public![FICTION] - Stargateland-related.

Jun 10, 2011 14:48

Alrighty-o. I was feeling incredibly motivated today, so I went insanely overboard for a fiction challenge at stargateland! The challenge was to basically write any characters you wanted on vacation - as long as they're not doing what they're normally doing and stuff.

Title: What Happens in Paradise Stays in Paradise
Rating: PG-13 to be safe.
Genre: Humor, ( Read more... )

did i mention i ship rush/chloe?

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Comments 18

breyzyyin June 11 2011, 02:15:26 UTC
I'm not at all familiar with the fandom, but I think this was written really well! XD


purpletrance June 11 2011, 16:08:05 UTC
Aww, wow, thank you, hun. That was really nice of you to read it, as there's a lot of name-drops in there that might be confusing to someone not familiar with the fandom.

Thanks so much, sweetums. ♥


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purpletrance June 14 2011, 15:30:34 UTC
Ahaha. I'm too shy to write smutty scenes! I thought about it...but lately, all I do is fade to black. Ehehe, I haven't written a smut scene since I was a teen. xD

Yeah, I thought so, too. I like to have either of them initiate in fic, but Chloe does seem more realistic of the two. It was fun to write from Nick's point for a change, too. I find Chloe to be easier, but it was a nice challenge.


mercscilla June 11 2011, 20:49:10 UTC
Ah, this was such a pleasure to read. :)

I love the Rush/Chloe bits but the other vacation-ists sneak peaks were awesome as well. Especially Brody and his booze.

It's always the booze that brings us CRush. <3


purpletrance June 14 2011, 15:31:51 UTC
Thank you!

Hehe, I couldn't help it. I think the whole science team is just adorable and I'm so happy Chloe got added to the mix. :D

Oh yes. Booze, booze, booze. ♥


mercscilla June 14 2011, 16:05:09 UTC
It's so awesome that Chloe ended up at Team Science. <3 The yummiest guys are there (read: Rush) and since she's 'changed and smarter', she can really be useful and help running the ship.

Btw, do you still want a dark layout or something like you have at the moment?


purpletrance June 14 2011, 16:18:00 UTC
"Read: Rush" - lmao! So true. I mean. The rest? Not so much. XD Eli's the best friend type, so is Volker and Brody's too hilarious to be anything but the comical friend. xD

She's really matured! Anyone who says she hasn't changed (Chloe haters) are just crazy. >>

If it's like gray, (like the one I have) I don't mind. As long as it's not insanely bright, as I had to change it yesterday because my poor eyes couldn't take the absolute white anymore. So, blacks and darker colors are fine, but I don't mind grays either. ^^


sexycazzy June 12 2011, 02:33:28 UTC
Awesome! Loved this! :)


purpletrance June 14 2011, 15:32:17 UTC
Thank you! :D :D


shena8 June 13 2011, 15:41:40 UTC
I love the idea of a vacation planet! And how everyone got wasted except for Chloe and Rush. Nice way to use that image from "Faith" in a new context!


purpletrance June 14 2011, 15:38:18 UTC
Hehe, thank you Shena! They have to have other nice stops and get out and smell the roses so to speak - they might go stir crazy otherwise. xD

Glad you enjoyed! ♥


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