[Public!]I'm writing a chapter fic!?

Oct 19, 2011 14:45

Title: She's Leaving Home - Chapter 1: Brightly Wound [1/5 or 6]
Author: purpletrance
Rating: G [2,229 words]
Genre: Fluff/implied-romance
Pairings: Anna/Castiel
Warnings: Ho-hum. I'm doing this chapter-ficlet revolving around Cas & Anna and their history that wasn't really delved into. Eventually it will lead up to events in Season 4, although let it be known ( Read more... )

fiction: castielxanna, public!entry

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Comments 10

ensign_amy October 19 2011, 19:26:30 UTC
Allow me to count the ways in which I love this :

“I suppose you’re just too good for me.”
Sums up how Cas sees himself from Anna's POV, I think - I think he admired her for quite some time, but never knew or understood it.

The matter of the feather is a lovely one. He should get to keep some part of her, even if the rest is unattainable. I look forward to seeing more of this!


purpletrance October 19 2011, 20:35:49 UTC
Woo, really? Thanks so much! This is my first piece of Supernatural fiction, so I was really worried about characterization!

I think so, too, about him admiring her. I just got that impression in "Heaven & Hell" and further, with his doubts in "On the Head of a Pin" - too bad he didn't figure things out in time. However, that's what fic is for! :D

I'm really pleased you enjoyed it! It's nice to talk to a fellow Cas/Anna fan, hehe. I look forward to showering you with more fiction! ♥


ensign_amy October 19 2011, 22:22:01 UTC
Yes, really ^_^. I don't think Anna got to be as cold and serious as she was portrayed until much later - war and falling from Heaven probably hardened her.

Hah, definitely. I think Anna was meant for Cas and the whole thing with her Dean was just...wrong. I can't see her falling for someone like that. She'd want to kill him after a while.

Consider yourself added!


purpletrance October 20 2011, 18:06:43 UTC
I agree; besides, we didn't exactly get to see Anna in a silly situation, sadly. Her entire story was quite serious business, so it's not like she even had time to giggle. :(

Ahaha, killing Dean after awhile. XD I got the impression that the only reason that happened was because a) she felt sorry for him considering his little stint in hell b) she's a former (but still seemed to have knowledge of) angel, meaning she might have known he broke the first seal and felt sorry for him, again c) it was her last night on Earth as a human and Sam was busy with Ruby, so...Dean! xD

I just got the impression that's why it happened. Poor Cas, though - remembering the look on his face when she kissed Dean goodbye. :(

Cool! :D Adding you back!


lovedlea October 20 2011, 03:13:12 UTC

Very lovely. I love the feather thing <3


purpletrance October 20 2011, 18:07:14 UTC
Hehe, thank you sweetie! ♥


rinhail October 20 2011, 15:59:15 UTC

looking forward to the next chapter.


purpletrance October 20 2011, 18:07:35 UTC
Thanks so much! ♥ :D


colls October 22 2011, 19:22:05 UTC

I don't think I've ever read pre-series for these two before - this is adorable. :D I like how naive Cas is and how young Anna seems - both are so unjaded here.


purpletrance October 25 2011, 15:12:15 UTC
♥!! Thanks for taking the time to read/comment! :D

Yeah. I really assumed right away with their "history" that they went really, really far back given how old Angels could be, so I just thought..."let's take a look at that! xD" :D


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