That 70 things quiz thingy

Apr 15, 2004 22:36

. Name: Rachel
2. Nicknames: Rae, looniecorn, stinky (don't ask)
3. Sex: Female
4. Birthday: 16 June 1979
5. Age: 24
6. Sun sign: Gemini
7. Place of birth: Leicester
8. Current residence: Narborough, Leicester
9. Hair color: Very dark brown (almost black)
10. Eye color: Dark Bown
11. Height: 5' 5.5"
12. Writing hand: Right

13. Do you bite your nails: Yes
14. Can you roll your tongue: Yes
16. Can you raise one eyebrow at a time: No
17. Can you blow smoke rings: Yes
18. Can you blow spit bubbles: Yuck
19. Can you cross your eyes: Yes
20. Colored hair: Purple and black
21. Tattoos and where: None yet! Still waiting for satans_seraph to get her arse in gear ;-)
22. Piercings and where: Ears and nose
23. Do you make your bed anually: Every night when I get home from work cos M hasn't bothered ;@)
24. What goes on first socks or underwear: Underwear.
25. Which shoe goes on first: I have no idea
26. Speaking of shoes, have you thrown one at someone: No but I've had them thrown at someone by someone else
27. How much money is usually in your wallet: I always try to have a couple of quid on me
28. What jewelry do you wear 24/7: None!
29. What's sexiest on a guy: Eyes, bum and thighs
30. What's sexiest on a girl: Anything but hipsters!!!
31. Would you rather be on time and look ok or late and look great: On time
32. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it: Twirl
33. How many cereals are in your cabinet: 4. M like a variety
34. What utensils do you use eating pizza: I don't like pizza
35. Do you cook: Yes! I love to cook and don't think I'm bad at it

36. How often do you brush your teeth: twice a day
37. How often do you shower/bathe: Every other day
38. How long do these showers/baths last: About half an hour unless I fall sleep
39. Hair drying method: Naturally
40. Do you swear: Terribly
41. Do you mumble to yourself: No
42. Do you spit in public: No and I hate those that do, it makes me feel ill
43. Do you pee in the shower: Hahhahahah!!! I'm sure I probably diod when I was a kid

44. In the CD player: Dimmu Borgir
45. Person you talk most on the phone with: Iccle sis or mum
46. What color is your bedroom: Just been painted ivory cream and will have blue highlights in it somewhere once we've finished it.
47. Do you use an alarm clock: When I have to be up at 5:45 am I do
48. Name one thing or person you're obsessed with: My house being clean and tidy and spending enought time with M
49. Have you ever skinny-dipped with the opposite sex: No! Wouldn't like to think of dirty water getting near my bits! I know a swimming costume isn't gonna exactly protect me but it's one of my weird lil rationals
50. Ever sunbathed in the nude: No and I can't abide women who feel the need to get their tits out just cos their on a beach!
51. Window seat or aisle: Whereeve my M doesn't want to sit but if alone then window
52. What's your sleeping position: On my left with M curled up around me or on my right curled up around M
53. What kind of bed do you like: My new bed, medium hard/soft and so bloody comfy it hurtd to leave it
54. In hot weather do you use a blanket: No I always have to have a duvet over me! If I get hot I stick the fan on shove my feet out the end of the duvet and pull it even closer round the rest of me. Have to have a certain weight covering me or I can't sleep
55. Do you snore: Yes *feels ashamed*
56. Do you sleepwalk: No
57. Do you talk in your sleep: I once told and ex that the bike was on top of the cooker and the fridge was in the airing cupboard, then mumbled something about sheep ;@) but not to my knowledge since then
58. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: I used to sleep with my Teddy from Hamleys when I was single but now I have my M to cuddle.
59. How about the light on: I must have total darkness
60. Do you fall asleep with the tv or radio on: Also must have total silence

61. Had sex: Teehee!!!
62. or kissed someone: Everytime I look at him I just have to kiss him
63. Watched Bambi: When I was a kid I think but it's on my list of wanted dvd's
64. Talked on the phone: This evenin to arrange my leeds trip
65. Read a book: Entirely? Have just finished one and about to start another
66: Punched someone: Almost 2 years ago now! In my defence I only ever hit if I'm hit first
67. Where do you see yourself ten years from now: In a 3 or 4 bed detatched house maybe with a couple of lil nippers. Definately with a long haired german shephard and my M still as passionately in love as I am now
68. Who are you gonna be married to and where: I'm not, but I shall be with M for as long as he'll have me
69. How many kids do you want to have: As many as I can afford to completely spoil at Christmas and Birthdays. If that means one then so be it if that means more then bring on the money!
70. Your profession: AT the mo I'm kind of a bad debt colector (but not the type that knocks on doors) if you can call that a profession
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