Title: But it's for the baby! Pairing: Luhan/Yifan Rating: G Genre: domestic, parentsAU drabble Length: 445 words Summary: You can never have enough baby stuff...right?
WAI! Kyeopta krishan! Yifan, you might have the cards, but luhan still holds your leash! XD wish author-nim makes a series of drabbles in the same universe as this!
This sooo cute. I kennot. Poor kris and his credit cards. Omg shixun!!! Sehunnie.. Kris' life would turn upside down with luhan and sehun combo!! Lol. Yes, please continue this drabble author-nim!!!
Comments 6
And SHIXUN!!!!! I totally love this fic :D going to my memories for sure :D
WAI! Kyeopta krishan! Yifan, you might have the cards, but luhan still holds your leash! XD wish author-nim makes a series of drabbles in the same universe as this!
I have another one called baby steps!!
thanks for reading!
Omg shixun!!! Sehunnie..
Kris' life would turn upside down with luhan and sehun combo!! Lol.
Yes, please continue this drabble author-nim!!!
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