:33 < *ac applies for a rolepurrlay*

Dec 03, 2010 15:21

Name: Seven
Livejournal Username: queermosexual
E-mail: bluebloodburnsblue@gmail.com
AIM/MSN: Brightest Gate
Timezone: PST
Current Characters in Route: N/A

Name: Nepeta Leijon
Series: Homestuck
Timeline: After Alterniabound
Canon Resource Links: Homestuck!
The Wikia page on Trolls!
The page on Nepeta herself!

Affiliation: Trainer! Specifically for altcostume purposes she is a Picnicker. She may or may not become a coordinator later.

Nepeta, first and foremost, is a roleplayer. She's nearly always playing her "purrtend games", pretending to be an almighty tiger with two mouths like her lusus/mother/tiger, Pounce de Leon. This is expressed in several ways; she lives in a cave, for instance, and goes hunting in the plains for wild animals to kill and eat with her bare hands. She's also always wearing a cat hat and tail and is assumed to own at least one fursuit. Also, her speech is peppurred with cat puns, pawsibly because it is purrfectly pawdorable and furiendly but also because she has to have some kind of weirdity to how she acts, of course.

Despite this roleplaying, though, she also has some decidedly non-feline hobbies and actions! She likes to draw comics and paint other things, albeit doing it with the blood of her prey on the wall. She's very fond of shipping, but as opposed to doing it with fictional characters she actually ships herself and her friends with each other. It's utterly amazing.

Beyond the roleplaying and the hobbies, Nepeta is just a sweet, friendly, yet very fierce teenage girl! She likes playing games both purrtend and otherwise with her friends, she hugs everyone, she wants to make new friends as often as pawsible just to do it. She loves people! It is great.

No one, however, comes close to getting nearly as much love as her moirail, Equius Zahhak! A moirail is a platonic partner, a relationship built on pity; the two members of a moiraillegiance counter each others' negative points and compliment the positive ones, allowing them to both function far more efficiently and normally than they normally would. Equius tampers Nepeta's recklessness and childishness, preventing her from doing things that would get her in danger and shooting down her dumb ideas while trying to mold her into a polite, demure highblood; in exchange, Nepeta keeps Equius from flying into rages and does her best to keep him from flipping the fuck out on the lowbloods. It's a good relationship! Without it here she will likely swear a lot more and get into trouble near-constantly.

All-in-all, she's a catgirl who roleplays, loves her friends, and likes hugs. All the hugs! All of them.

+She is very very friendly! Unlike the majority of trolls she has absolutely no problems making friends with everyone she sees and she's nice enough to achieve it.
+She's also very physically agile! Nothing super human here, she's just fast and acrobatic and good at pouncing people.
+She has a grasp on troll romance, nowhere near as good as Karkat's but functional enough to understand the more complicated aspects. Unfortunately as mentioned above this basically just means that she ships people.
+She has no objections to eating raw meat.
+She is adorable.

-She is kind of a pushover! She basically never wins arguments and only even tries when it's something she really really wants to do, but even then she typically loses.
-She's kind of a ditz, just kind of meandering happily through life without even noticing things going on around her! This is not always a bad thing but it does lead to her getting herself into dumb situations.
-She's a cat. She doesn't like getting wet.
-She has a crush on Karkat. For obvious reasons this is a terrible, terrible thing.

Starter: A Meowth. Its name is Pounce Jr. and it is pawsibly the second best kitty you have ever even s33n.

Password: French toast!!

(Please note that both samples must take place in Route_29’s setting.)

First Person Sample: [Nepeta pops onto the screen, her kitty hat still firmly on her head!! The ears are missing though and she is much... pinker than usual]

This is pawsibly the most unusual situation aC has found herself in, and with a roaaaaaar she asks where she is!! She is very fond of this little silly kitty with the human money on its head-- [Her Meowth pounces her!! It is now clinging to the back of her head for dear life] --but she is not so fond of the fact that her purrfectly pawdorable horns are missing. She chooses to investigate this mystery immediately by locating her furiends and going on many pawmazing adventures!!

So um, Equius?? Karkat?? Anyone?? I neeeeeeeed you!! And you need to pet this cat. It is pawsibly the second softest cat I have ever ever pet!! Third softest. I pet myself sometimes.

aC cannot even contain her excitement anymore!!! There are many new things to see and hug in this world!!! [And the video is shut off!!]

Third Person Sample: Day had turned into evening and evening into darkest night as Nepeta and her Meowth companion attempted to continue on their adventure. Going into the grass had resulted in nothing but running into lots of birds and little mice and things, and while Nepeta and Pounce Jr. both really liked birds and little mice they were tired of running into them and fighting them after a while!! And they couldn't even eat them afterwards, what even was the point?! It was boring and dumb and Nepeta wasn't very excited about that adventure at all. And so they had decided to try an alternate path.

The trees blocking her path had caused a flurry of mighty adventures as she attempted to use her tiger strength to push them over. "The mighty tigress and her cub lie defeated!! The tree is too pawesomely mighty fur aC to destroy even with her most powerful claws and bitings and so she leaves it alone for another day." And there was no way around them. This left but one option, an obvious one!! And yet it wasn't working.

The little ledge stood before them, not too tall and yet still bearing an air of adventure and foreboding!! Nepeta thoughtfully tapped her chin with her hand, counting on the fingers of her other hand. Eventually she seemed to come to a conclusion, jumping up with a meow!

"Okay, Pounce Jr., let's try one more time!! This is pawsibly the purrfect try, it is try number 33!! Heehee, that is the best number. Let's gooooooo!!!"

And once again the catgirl and the cat rushed at the small ledge and jumped, clinging to it with all their might. But once again they slid down and fell on their rumps, even as people were jumping down it.

"aC..." Nepeta tipped backwards, landing neatly on her back. "Thinks she might need a catnap befur we go through those birds."
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