When they arrived back at the house, there was no sign of the women and they has no idea whether or not to take it as a good or bad omen of what was to come. Not that anything those two girls would come up with could be considered good, just less evil perhaps. Seth paused at the base of the stairs before heading up to his room. “Jeff man, why didn’t you tell me Sydney was Lena’s sister?” Jeff pauses, not really knowing why anyone hadn’t told Seth about the situation before. He shrugged. “I don’t know man. Why don’t you talk about your brother? We all have things that we don’t share.” There wasn’t really any way to argue with that, so the two each headed to their respective rooms. Seth thought about locking the door behind himself, but he knew that if someone wanted at him badly enough, a flimsy lock wasn’t going to stop them.
True to his thoughts, he was awoken by his two cousins forcibly removing him from his bed. "I'm so sorry bro.." Jeff says softly when he notices that Seth’s eyes are half open. They grab Seth's arms and heft him out of the bed, barely allowing Seth to get his own standing as they half drag him down into the house and further down, into the basement. He’d known that something like this would be coming, but Seth's eyes widened as they moved him toward the very back corner of the basement. Lena and Syn stand in front of a large oddly shape black box sort of object, with a door on the front. When they come to a stop, Seth fights harder to get away from the two, knowing well what the black box was. He turned his gaze to the girls, shaking his head. "You can't do this Lena.. it's never been tested.. " Lena smiles sweetly, opening the door. "I don't need to test to it know it works Sethy, you always build the best." Syn walks forward, running a nail down Seth's bare chest, leaving a long welt in it's wake. "Enjoy the pain baby, it's the only thing you'll feel for a long time.. " Seth looks past her. to Lena "You have no idea what this thing could do to a person Lena. It’s meant to be used in short, carefully observed periods. Long term sensory deprivation could make a person.. " "Loose it? I guess we'll find out, won't we?" Lena turns her eyes to Jeff as she pulls the door open. "Throw him in boys.. " Despite his trying to reason with the boys and fight his way free, Jeff and Matt pull Seth toward the doorway of the box, forcing him to sit inside before closing the door.
Lena locks the door and lifts up a small door, revealing an electrical box.. she fiddles with some knobs and pushes a button, causing a whirring noise. "What's gonna happen to him Lena?" "It's gonna fill water up to his neck.. after that.. no feeling.. no sight.. no hearing.. no smells.. no tastes.. screaming. scratching, none of it.. so what does the mind do when it wanders, I wonder." "you're gonna kill him in there Lena.." Jeff comments as he slides his arms around her waist. "Lets not underestimate him just yet.. but I don't want you boys doing that sending each other thoughts thing like you do in the ring.. no helping Seth.." Syn’s nerves began to build when Lena described what exactly was going to happen to Seth. She didn’t want him broken, body or mind, she just wanted him to find that obedient puppy he used to be and embrace it. “Come on everyone, lets get back upstairs and leave Seth to his punishment.” Lena announced, herding them all upstairs before locking the basement door.
A short while after heading back upstairs, the phone rang, disturbing the silence that had settled in the house. "Heylo, Jefro here, talk." "hey Jeff, It’s Adam.." "Whaddya want man?" "Can we just push this macho feud thing aside for a second? I wanna be serious, is Seth ok?" Jeff pauses.. trying to think of how to answer Adam.. "I don't know.. why?" Adam sighs. "I'm not sure really.. I wanted to kick his ass after he sent Lena and her girl to bust up my date with Staci, but he isn’t answering his phone and I’ve just got this weird nagging feeling that he’s not ignoring me.. like something is going on with him.." Jeff curses silently trying to think of how to blame Adam for the way he himself had been feeling for the past hour... "That's all? you suddenly call.. cuz you feel weird? You call docs for that Adam, not me. And don’t even try to suggest that you’ve got some sibling bonding thing happening with the sibling your family turned its back on and ignored for 20 years." "Well.. I don't know, I guess it sounds kinda stupid know that I’m saying it out loud. But I am genuinely worried about him, and every time that I’ve tried to call him, that chick song 'all by myself' starts running through my head.." Jeff laughs hollowly, pretending that he couldn’t hear the off key song that Seth was projecting to anyone he could reach. "You can't blame Seth for your taste in music man.." This time however, Adam heard the uneasiness in his voice. They might not be best friends, but they had known each other for long enough to when Jeff was being shifty. "Jeff.. what aren't you telling me?" Jeff bangs his head against the wall.. "No.. he's not ok.. I keep hearing that damned song too.." "What the hell is wrong with him?" "I can't tell you that Adam.." "Screw your girlfriend, Jeff. You damned well better tell me what is going on over there.." "Ok, cuz you give a damn about your brother all the sudden? He's just suddenly become uninvisable in your little world and you can't wait to run to his rescue.. it doesn't work that way Adam.. you can't be super brother before you even learn how to be a brother." "Well you’re his family too and you know he needs help Hardy, are you gonna help him? or are you too damned afraid of Lena?"
Jeff looks up and down the hall to see if anyone was listening to the conversation before answering. "I'm not afraid of her, she'll let him free when he's learned his lesson.. " Jeff’s assurance was more confident that he actually felt. The truth was, he was terrified for Seth. "Let him out when he’s learned his lesson? When does he learn it? When he's lost his mind? or when he's dead?" Jeff thought for a moment, about the plan that he’d been trying to figure out. Adam might just be able to "I'll call you tomorrow after Syn and Lena leave.. come to the house and I'll help you get him out of here..""How do I know you're not setting me up?" "I guess that is a risk you'll have to be willing to take."