
Dec 05, 2011 16:49

Current Location: Has been wandering freely, hanging around the White Forest/Black City area.


Pounce de Leon | Level 42 | Tackle / Bite / Charge / Spark
Named Leon after her Lusus, he's a very curious little Pokémon and considers Nepeta his mother, just as she considers him her kitten and tries to teach him all about the world and the proper method to hunt an animal like a good mother is supposed to do. Or something.

Felicia | Level 30 | Wish / Growl / Tail Whip / Tackle
Hatched from a mysteriously received egg, Felicia is a bit of a spoiled brat and just loves messing with others. Fortunately, her status as "completely adorable" tends to get her out of trouble. She's caught onto her trainer's hunting lessons quickly and applies them to everything that she does, including but not limited to attacking the limbs of strangers.

Furdinand Meowgellan | Level 32 | Scratch / Bite / Fury Swipes / Faint Attack
Usually just called Furdinand, Nepeta found him while wandering around the dreamyard. He and Felicia are at a constant war with one another, always trying to out-feist the other. He has a terrible habit of getting distracted by anything particularly shiny and often wanders off from the rest of the group to steal things from anyone who isn't hanging onto them tightly enough.


wait hold on i'm still thinking | Level 18 | Zen Headbutt / Psybeam / Whirlwind / Tailwind
Caught with Estelle's help during a  strange attack, Nepeta honestly has no idea what to do with this guy. She's honestly a little afraid to let him out of his Pokéball after he'd been so vicious! He's actually very skittish and kind of afraid of everything around him, and thus constantly fluttering away from things. It's kind of funny, really.

Level 1 | Poison Sting | String Shot | Disable
Given to her by various means of mysteriousness, Nepeta isn't quite sure of she wants to hang onto this guy; he reminds her of someone she's actually quite glad isn't around. For that reason, she hasn't taken him out of her PC.

Want List:

!united one

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