These have been the best seven months of my life so Thank you so much fo rmaking me so happy! i'M glad i met you and Im glad I said yes that one day in front of my door! You changed my life in a way Ill never forget and I hope we can spend our lives together! You mean the world to me! I love you so much and I just wanna say( even though
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Comments 6
.::+::. * BEST FRIENDS FOREVER * .::+::.
hope it lasts a looong time!
<3 kisses <3
.::MuchLove::.<3333: kAnDaCe
CoNgRaTuLaTiOnS mY lOvE !!!
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
HoPe U aNd HaRoLd SpEnD a LiFeTiMe
oF hApPiNeSs AnD jOy ToGeThEr aLrIgHt
maKe SHuRr hE dOnT hUrT u AnD i KnO
He FrEaKiNg WoNt KuZ i WiLL bEaT hIm
Up OkaY .. hE hE ..
♥ YoU .:*KaNdAcE*:.
uR ♥SuRfUr gIrL♥
<3 kisses <3
.::MuchLove::.<333: kAnDaCe
YOUR surfer girl!! hahaha...gnarly!!
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