Pictures in japan always makes me go "KYAAAAAAAAAAAA~~~!!!!"
Johnnys shop is pink? XD Takeshita Street is a definitely must visit place for me IF i ever get to go there...and your pictures makes my stomach grumble...Onakagasukimashita~!!!!
Yep. Pink. LOTS of pink outside. T____T When I heard about that first time myself I was like "Naw, it can't be pink." but there it was, giving me cultural shock when we found it. xD Takeshita Street is in Harajuku too, and very near, so it'll go with same visit as Johnny's Shop! \o/ There's a looots of idols shop there but they're all pretty much chinese products.
When we found it [some puny 24/7 shop near our hotel], decided right away that our sea-salt icecream-wannabe will be shown for you~. x3 It tasted goooood~ *3* Now you have to go get some yourself~
I want to go there too!!! And thankyou's for posting them!
Btw, can you read people's thoughts? :DD I was about to give you an angry note yesterday for not posting these pictures before and today they are here. Spooky. :)
I've seen some pics from your trip before, but none of these. They look totally awesome. Japan looks totally awesome. It looks like heaven for people with short attention spans (=me) because there's just so much... everything. DD:
I really should go there some day. Sooo.. when's your next trip? ;D
Comments 9
Johnnys shop is pink? XD
Takeshita Street is a definitely must visit place for me IF i ever get to go there...and your pictures makes my stomach grumble...Onakagasukimashita~!!!!
Takeshita Street is in Harajuku too, and very near, so it'll go with same visit as Johnny's Shop! \o/ There's a looots of idols shop there but they're all pretty much chinese products.
I want to go there too!!! And thankyou's for posting them!
Btw, can you read people's thoughts? :DD I was about to give you an angry note yesterday for not posting these pictures before and today they are here. Spooky. :)
And my ENGRISHSSSHHSHSS sucks again. >_
I really should go there some day. Sooo.. when's your next trip? ;D
Somehow I thought this was posted like a few hours ago. DDD:
YOU are ancient. Dinosaurs and shit.
And next trip is in November~ *dansu*
Baby where are you? Not in MSN. DDD:
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