Okay... so I have a journal. With only myself to talk to. Which I do all the time, minus the possible public embarrassment. So how do I "invite" other friends to the party so I can bore someone other than me?
To add friends to your journal you need to go to Manage, then Friends on your info page, then go to...um, I think it's edit friends. Then you just type in the lj name of the person you want to add. For example, I would be daisye and gabs would be gabs186.
Dawn I just found out from daisy's post that you have an LJ. I'm your occasional fic stalker from ST, arkady :). Welcome to LJ land. Psst I think Daisy's trying to convert us all to Alias and Sarkney fic. By the way I friended you if you don't mind.
Comments 9
Friend me! Friend me!! ;o)
*runs around like a crazed fan*
(Which I am) ;o)
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