Title: The Camera Eye: Japan's Got Talent
Chapter: Fifty-third overall in The Camera Eye series, and the seventh story in Season 3. Links to previous installments can be found
hereAuthor: Boots
Rating: NC-17
Genre: Porn industry AU, drama, smut, romance
Warnings: Male/male sex, polyamory, rimming, frottage
Pairing: Hayato (Codomo Dragon) x Subaru
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Comments 8
Hayato getting the news while he was in the tub and then shrieking and running around dripping wet and naked was priceless. It's also hilarious how his friends were all shocked by the sight even though they've all slept with him before.
I snorted horribly when Subaru was described as being "a bit dorky". You could find that boy's picture next to "dork" in the dictionary, haha.
I'm pretty sure Hayato was in heaven when he went home. His group won the contest, they all have jobs now lucky bastards, and he got to have sex with Subaru! What a lucky man ( ... )
Calling ANYONE from BP Records a bit dorky is like calling the grass a bit green. I swear the reason that BP is holding off on officially anointing Londboy as their fourth band (fifth if you count My Dragon) is they want to see if they pass the Dork Test. Can't be a BP Boy unless you're a full-blown dorkosaurus!
Heavy Hitter are the worst sore losers ever. Of course, there is a chance that Uruha may take their latest insult against our boys and spin it into something positive in the future . . .
Oh absolutely. It's so funny watching them acting serious and cool and knowing they're probably dying inside waiting to release the massive dorks that they are.
Oh I'm sure he will. He's used to dealing with these morons
It makes me so happy that Codomo Dragon's entry was named after my favourite PV! Hayato streaking around stark naked after getting the news was pretty hilarious. (I can actually picture him doing something like that.) And I can only hope that he makes friends with Mahiro as quickly as he did with Subaru. Another great installment. Can't wait to see what happens next!
Hayato and Mahiro will definitely end up as friends - there is a very good chance of them working together in the future! And yeah, I can DEFINITELY see Hayato reacting that way to good news of that caliber. In fact, I would not be at all surprised if that's how he reacted when he found out they'd officially been admitted to the BP Records dorkosphere!
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