I am a classic introvert. No, this does not mean I have no social skills, no friends, and spend all my time locked up in my bedroom reading fantasy novels.
It means that I need to be alone for some amount of time everyday. It means that at times I will choose this over going out with friends. While I do enjoy spending time with friends, it is often draining and something I need to mentally prepare for beforehand. At parties I often feel like I am acting. I have fun at parties, but it’s not my default state of being. After being social I often need time to “recharge” alone. I enjoy this “recharge” time. I repeat, I need and enjoy this “recharge” time. So leave me alone.
It means that I have a small group of close friends. I like it this way. It is my choice to keep it this way. Please don’t think I’m unhappy because I don’t have five million people’s phone numbers in my cell phone, that when I make plans it is often with just one person. Keeping in touch with a lot of people is very difficult for me. I only talk to many of my closest friends four or five times a year. This number is in no way proportional to how much I love them - it’s just that if you’re not in the same city as me and you’re not calling me to hang out chances are we won’t talk much. Juggling a large and complex social life sounds like one of the most miserable things in the world to me.
It means that I don’t deal well with discussion classes or arguments because I process thoughts and ideas in my head, not verbally. If you ask me something I will often respond with, “I need to think about that,” or most often just silence. It doesn’t mean I didn’t hear you, it doesn’t mean that I’m mad or that I disagree, it just means I’m thinking. Give me time to think and don’t question me about my silence. For the love of all that is holy, don’t question me about my silence. Don’t ask if I’m ‘ok,’ you’ll drive me nuts.
I hate talking about the obvious. And while I enjoy having the support of other people, if you are too complimentary I will begin to doubt your sincerity, I will begin to wonder why you feel so much affirmation is needed.
My independence is very important to me. I don’t want to be taken care of, I don’t want to be looked after or worried about. I can take care of myself thank you very much.
And now I'm going to the beach.