So a few days ago my computer decided to no longer accept anything into its slot drive. The CDs go about two inches in and then they hit what feels like some sort of mechanical resistance
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Perhaps you should re-name him. Ganymede sounds meaner, but HAL would be more fitting in this situation...
[My new computer's name is FUSE, after the NASA satellite that collected the data that I spent a summer working with UJ on. My old laptop, that died when the screen illumination cable fried, was named Hubble. I still miss him... he is in the closet waiting for Todd to perform an engineering miracle and bring him back from the darkness...]
Comments 7
Stupid slot loading drives. Mine is being a punk too.
Have fun in the field!
[My new computer's name is FUSE, after the NASA satellite that collected the data that I spent a summer working with UJ on.
My old laptop, that died when the screen illumination cable fried, was named Hubble. I still miss him... he is in the closet waiting for Todd to perform an engineering miracle and bring him back from the darkness...]
I've had a printer named Europa and my camera's name is Lena.
Yes, I have a theme to my computer names. I'm a dork.
I love that we name our personal electronics after sky-objects. :)
Is that a racial slur?
Love ya!
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