
Jul 09, 2005 12:39

well im so bored so i decided ill do a picture update. but its of things that miss. and stuff.

i really miss that english class. paris is gone now. and camille STILL wont be my friend ughhh. i was so nice to that girl i made her cake for her bday! then finally me and paris got in trouble for trying to be her friend. ughh whats with my school.

ok that picture is really small. but i miss being like bbbbfffll with jackiee. i like never see her now and i had so m uch fun with her.

i miss just going to breakfast with kay and izza and having such a great time. then we would go to hyot farm and make friends and seeing a kid who everyone thought looked like me....

i seriously miss living down the block from kayley. i remember even in 8th grade we were scared to walk home by ourselves from eachothers houses. so we would run as fast as we could and have our moms watch us.

i had so much fun with KZ in montauk and she looks so much younger here. its so cute. even though we are gunna go on like so many more vacations together nothing will compare to this one.

going to the beach with meg becca and sloane was so awesome. we laughed at everything. i also miss just hanging out with meg and taking crazy pictures and eveything. we would go to the stores and try things on just bc we could. it was like our motto. it was amazing. but soon we get to do that again.

omg aruba. i lovvvvvvvvved it there so much. i got so tan too. i want to be that tan again.i think that was one of my favorite vacations besides europe..

going on the swings everyday with kay and izza is what i lived for. going to the swings made me sooo happy. we would sing the best songs. making some up or just singing ones we knew. we found ourselves singing the funniest things too and were like omg i hope they never know we were singing them thats so embarressing. i still love the swings so much.

calvaryyy. that was good times. i dont generally miss the people on stage in this picture HA. but whatever. i havent been to a calvary since like november and thats really bad. idk maybe ill go again soon.

sleeeeeeeeeepoverrrss with amanda nicole and diana were so friggen fun. we made some awesome videos and laughed till we pissed our pants. we just had a sleepover but we kind of just slept. but that sleepover makes me happy bc its what got me hooked on hot pockets.

our cityyy trippp. omgz so fun. i remember we created that shirt and i looked like such a fool. i did some weird things last year. i still do but whatever ok.

targettttttt. we would go to target and just have the best time. idk how but we would. we had like target adventures at like every target on earth. that was greatt.

salt shakkeerrssss. i havent stole one in like THE longest time. i need more. its depressing going to a resturant bc i most likely have the salt shaker already.

ughhh going to workk with kay. PHIL omg hottie. love him. kays boss is the most disgusting man ever. and yet i loved when he was telling my dad about how he was gunna get this big pot and stirr hot chocolate in it for the winter. which never happened and kay just had to sell ices in the winter. wtf. anyways. we had realllylylyyl funny times there. seeing people and singing and ASHLEE SIMPSON. that cd made my summer.

i really miss it when kay would send me pictures of people telling me i looked like them. then we would always end up having the same background on our computers. or when kay and izza started to tell everyone they smelled like pickles. it made me happy.

omg halloween. me and christi we ppl from the 80s. her mom made us go to church but we went for 5 minutes and met up with jason and his friends. i had a lottt of fun that night.

mother daughter fashion show. i gave my "number" to that guy.

when me and kay decided to have band practice. we could sit and stare at eachother for hours and still have fun. we always had no lives. but whatever it was good having a real friend that i could trust.

my darbiessssss.wowowww i miss them so much. i cant wait till fall and then i get to spend my life a CHAMIIIII with christi :-))

me and christi attacking cole with lipstick while she was sleeping. we were on a mission and it was accomplished.

my dork jackettt.i loved that thing. then i started to see ppl wearing it and i got mad. i still love it but its too warm to wear it now.

omg hanging out with adam and patrick. i remember me and kay were so fricken happy that they were our friends. bc they were the only guys that actaully thought we were funny. we went to my house and just hung out and found the best things to laugh about. i miss that. like i miss all four of us hanging out together. whatever we have plans for the summer.

i miss when i first got my hair cut. it was so exciting and everyone was like whoa no way. now its just like whatever liz's hair is short. i try to do stuff with it but it just gets greasy. its gay

adamssssssssssss shoesss. the night they took our  shoes was sooo super funny. then until i had to give them back i wore adams shoes like everyday.

but out of everything i miss vegas the most. me and kay had THE BEST time there. i was so happy there and never wanted to come home.

its so weird how like people look different over time and you dont even realize it till you look at pictures. the person acts almost exactly the same and you would never know they looked younger when you first met them

ok im done with what i miss. ill take pictures of my life now if i everr get my camera back.
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