This weeks been fun so far. I'm really glad I'm not too sick anymore.
Yesterday Molly came over
and we got our nails done. After we saw Nick and Diana so we hung
out at Starbucks w/ them for a bit. Molly slept over and we looked at Coachpurses that we really want and got so excited over them for no reason
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Comments 8
I AM SO EXCITED FOR LAGUNA BEACH NIGHT!!! ANNA (our love) BETTER COME OR ELSE WE'LL STALK HER!! lmao ahhh good times i hope you rash goes away! lmfao like mine,, i hope someone did die from it that would be hysterical! hhaaaaa ill see ya on MONDAY! :o) cant waitt!! lol
Its cool how you can be extremly sick with 3 things but you still manage to get through you're day and be happpppy :).. i hope you get fully better tho soon for basketball and stuff
call me when u get back from Chicago! ill probably be back form Sandy Pines then.. unless i stay a little longer ;) lol
I <333 u!
my mom says she likes dime better then zc? i cant decide
Except i'm back home now. Ahaha whatever. I am still bored. I'm still listening to The Used. I need to update but i'm too lazy. I think I have a writers block :O.
Whenever I go the mall with Josie she makes me go into the Coach store. I'm not all about coach. I'm just cheap (thats all). I'm more into band merch ;).
School starts in like a month btw. Ew. Gym.
-Emily xxx
i just read an old comment you left in my lj about the whole going to buddy/stu's tournament game things... WE SHOULD TOTALLY GO! w/ goldfish and stuff!!
ah. i cant believe i missed your LB party! we should have one for like the last episode or something. except we'd all be like crying or what not. haha zoe i love you and omg if "ste-vannnnn" died. well i dont know how we would live???
oh and about the school thing ahh dont say itttt i dont wanna goo
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