title : in the same sky part 1
summary : this is about friendship and love.
In The Same Sky
Part 1
“everyone look they fight again in the canteen. Hurry up !” say the girl loudly. As usually there always little fight. They are 4 boys and one girl. They name are Riku ,Lumina, Kanata, Ren, Rin. They friendship is really strong.
“ Why you punch my friend? My friend don’t do anything wrong? “ say Riku to them.
“stop fighting. It’s useless. What about we eat already. I am already starving” say Lumina to Riku.
Finally Riku stop the fight. Everyone get to they chairs each other. Kanata and Ren help bring the food. Lumina eat really fast because she really starving.
“As always Lumina don’t like to smile, and like eating.I wonder why you really popular with the boy . Oh I remember they said the girls give you a love letter isn’t that Ta kun. As usually the cool one. “ say Rin with laugh hardly and Lumina pinch him.
Riku a little feel jealous because Kanata always popular better than him. Everyone seems lively as always. When the school over, Kanata wait Lumina in front of her class because the boys will practice for the event. Kanata, Riku, Ren, and Rin will practice for a band perform as always Lumina watch they practice. And as always Lumina will ride the motorcycle with Kanata.
“ I envy with you, you always ride Kanata’s motorcycle. You must be the lucky one. You’re not his girlfriend but you look like closer to him better than anyone. How do you can be a friend with them? “ say Lumina’s friend with sparkling aura.
“ No, it’s not like that. It just maybe a destiny” reply Lumina and walk out from the class.
They will go to the studio. Riku, Ren, and Rin have already been there. Everygirls screaming see that Kanata is really closer to Lumina. Kanata help Lumina wear the helmet. They really lovey dovey eventhough they are not couple.
Kanata and Lumina met when first in the junior high school, and so on she met Riku, Ren, and Rin. Finally they arrive at the studio.
“you’re late. As always lovey dovey. I am jealous.” Say Ren with laugh hardly. Kanata and Lumina just sigh. They can control their friend.
It’s already night, it’s time to go home. Kanata go home with Lumina. And the others ride a Riku’s car. Finally arrive at Lumina’s home. Lumina removing the helmet and say thanks to Kanata. Suddenly Kanata touch her hand and say I love you to Lumina.
“Can I be your boyfriend? I know he love you too. And I know I can’t win. I just want to say it” say Kanata and go home.
To be continue