
Jan 31, 2007 09:26

I had done my exam. Finally !!! But I dunno the result yet. Even I dun wanna imagine it !!! I just prepare myself for the worse case 'bout my exam result. I've been thinking lately, and I felt regret of sumthing. After Jin decided to go abroad for study few months ago, then now I heard news and rumor around K-T that they'll have Spring Concert 2007 starting next April 'WITHOUT JIN', then I felt more regret !!! Two years ago on 2005 when K-T had their Spring Concert, I was supposed to hunting their official concert stuffs (of course with help from my friend), especially Jin's official concert stuffs. But, I was too confident that K-T will have their concert every year so I dun need to rush to get their official concert stuffs. Damn it !!! Regret always comes late !!! I really wanna buy K-T's T-shirt Concert, especially Jin's of course. But, I dun tried enough to get it when K-T had their Spring Concert 2005ing KAT-TUN two years ago and now I felt so damn regret !!! I never have any feeling or imagine Jin will be hiatus as he did last October. And he'll be on hiatus 'till at least six months and even it can be extended more than that. It means Jin won't be appear on K-T Spring Concert next April. And it means there's no Jin's official concert stuffs !!! No Jin's T-shirt, no Jin's official photos, no Jin's uchiwa, no Jin's poster, NO JIN !!! Arrrrrrgggghhhhhhhhhh¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬ I hate myself !!! I even brows to auction eBay site to search if sumone would like to sells Jin's official stuffs especially JIN's T-SHIRT CONCERT. I also wanna buy JIN's SOLO POSTER !!!!!!! Hooooooooooaaaaaaaaaa¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬ where I could find this stuffs ?!?! Help meeeeee¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬ !!!!!!!!!! Jiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬ pleeeeeaaaaasssssssseeeeee come back soon !!!!!!!!! (>___<)¬¬¬¬¬¬

Okay, I was brows at Yahoo looking for K-T and Jin's official stuffs at auction and eBay, and I was stuck at this quizilla thing, "What KAT-TUN Member's Type Are You?" and "Which KAT-TUN Member Is your Best Match?". I tried to answer the questions and here's the result for "What KAT-TUN Member's Type Are You?" :

Which KAT-TUN member's type are you?

YOU'RE AKANISHI JIN'S TYPE!Cute, stylish and always able to understand his feelings, you are the type of girl Jin wants to heal and protect. He will give you four children and write you love songs. Just don't call him "baka"!
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And here's the result for "Which KAT-TUN Member Is your Best Match?" :

Which KAT-TUN member is your best match?

You are match with Akanishi Jin!
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Hehehehehehe¬¬¬¬ All result comes to AKANISHI JIN !!! Yaaaayyyyy¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬ !!! Oh my¬¬¬¬ I really missed JIN !!! And still feel regret and guilty for all 'bout official stuffs things !!! I hope I could find wheren I can buy all those official concert stuffs especially Jin's T-shirt and solo poster !!!

P.S. To anyone who read this and can help me with this official concert stuffs, please contact me !!! Thank you !!!

jin, kat-tun, official stuffs

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