Name: Professor Layton
From: ...Professor Layton
Age: 37
Gender: Male
Personality and Backstory: Professor Layton is exactly what you expect a English gentleman to be; he is polite, has impeccable manners, and enjoys a good cup of tea. He is calm and collected by nature and doesn't often show over-dramatic emotions in the presence of others. He prefers to deal with his problems on his own instead of burden them on others, which might be slightly hypocritical of him since he cannot help but involve himself in someone else problems. He has a bad habit of talking to himself. Perhaps it's because he's so used to having Luke, his "apprentice", by his side or he feels the need to remind himself of the situation at hand. Most of the time when he does this, he's usually asking himself a question.
He is a Professor of Archeology at Gressenheller University. However, his true passion is puzzles. The man is a puzzle enthusiast and cannot stand to leave a puzzle unsolved, whither it be a simple cross-word puzzle or an international mystery. Needless to say, Layton is very intelligent. He himself knows several puzzles and will occasionally test them on anyone who cares enough to try. While it's partially for his own amusement, he is also seeing how smart those around him are. While he is kind to anyone he comes across, he will show genuine respect to anyone he views as an intellect. However, while he can solve physical problems easily, he has a hard time understanding the emotional problems of others and doesn't quite know when he is pushing the wrong buttons. A good example of this is his enemy, Don Paolo. Don Paolo hates Layton with every fiber of his being and constantly wishes death onto him. Layton's reaction to all this? Well, here's a quote from the first game:
Luke: "Professor, what did you do to Don Paolo? Why does he want to get revenge on you?"
Layton: "I have no idea."
He's completely oblivious. Don Paolo does have his reasons to hate Layton (reviled in the third game), however, Layton seems to have forgotten it all. As kind as he is, he might have a problem empathizing with others. In the end, he appears to be more driven to find the answers he's seeking then the feelings of others. Layton, however, is anything but heartless. In fact, it appears he has a soft spot for children. He's very protective of his self-appointed apprentice, Luke Triton, and his adopted daughter, Flora Reinhold. He also has A great respect for his mentor, Andrew Schrader.
In the third game, you figure out why he wears his trademark top-hat at all times. It was a gift from his collage sweetheart, Claire Folly. She had given it to him when he became a professor and even make a remark that it was something a true gentleman shouldn't be without. Sadly, later that day, Claire died in an explosion that killed nine other people and injured many more. Strangely, despite all the destruction, there was no media coverage of the even and it seemed like someone or something was covering up the real cause of the explosion. This, along with Claire's sudden death, may have been the very thing that made him start investigating in the first place. While he could accept Claire had died, he couldn't accept not knowing why she died. So he started to investigate her death, however, at one point he was attacked and left for dead. He survived but when he got out of the hospital, he found that his flat had been raided all all his notes about the incident had been taken. He pretty much hit a dead-end after that however he still held onto hope that someday, a new bit of information about that day would come to light and point him down the right direction again. 10 after that, he finally got all the answers he'd been looking for.
The Professor is very much a thinker more then a fighter. The only times he'll resort to physical violence is when he sees it's unavoidable. Layton's one combat skill is fencing, which he's actually very good at. Although, the one fight he's been in where his life depended on his skills was against a 70 to 80 year old man ( of course, then there is the fight with Descole, but that's a story for another time). But he'll avoid fighting if possible
Moral Standing: Good
Dreams: What he really wants to do in life is to solve as many mysteries as he can.
Fears: He'll try not to show any sort of fear, but probably the thing he fears the most is feeling helpless. Pretty much not being there to help someone he cares about in their time of need.
Probably kinda on the big side but I still want to post this. Yes, that is a machine-gun made out of slot machine parts and yes this did happen in one of the games.
Here's his whole movie, Professor Layton and the Eternal Diva on youtube