Today was fillled with nothingness. Sleep. Wake. Athens for Movie Rental with RE...Movie night with RE. The Heathers, The Adventures of Sebastian Cole, Gummo, and Run Lola, Run First two have been watched, second two have not.
Have You Ever
Had sex outdoors: OUTSIDE, no...outside in a car.........maybe. :o)
Went out with a member of the same sex: no
Ran away: nah, what would I run from?
Pictured your crush naked: ...not really.....
Actually seen your crush naked: ...yes
Broken someone's heart: it's possible, but not likely...
Been in love: yes
Cried when someone died: Yea. Every three years.
Wanted someone you knew you couldn't have: Everyday.
Drank alcohol: Very minimally...
Lied: I'm a very good liar to everyone but my mommy
Cried in school: In 5th grade, when Kasey got "prettiest" and I got "smartest" I wanted to be prettiest, dammit!
Had sex in high school: IN the I was in HS, yes.
~~Which is better
Coke or Pepsi: Depends on my mood
Sprite or 7-Up: Whichever's available.
Girls or Guys: guys
Flowers or Candy: Candy [especially Nerds...], Flowers die.
Scruff or Clean Shaven: Depends on the guy...sometimes it's MEGA sexy...and other times, it looks silly
Quiet or Loud: Loud is better.
Blondes or Brunettes: Brunettes
handcuffs or rope: Handcuffs are more fun, but I've only ever used scarves...
Nice or Playas: Nice, silly. Who REALLY wants to be played?
Tall or Short: Tall, tall, tall! At least taller than me.
Pants or Shorts: Pants. I have funny lookin' legs
Leather or Latex: Leather.
sun or rain: Depends on what I'm doing. Probably Rain though, the sun hates me.
With The Opposite Sex
What Do You Notice First: Teeth
Last Person You Slow Danced With: Gah...probably Jeff...and that was a long ass time ago
Worst Question To Ask: Any question you don't KNOW for a fact that you're going to like the answer they have. One time I asked a guy if he'd like me more if I were thinner...and he said "it wouldn't hurt" then I stopped eating....and lost about 35 lbs.
Wait until Marriage? ...Obviously not
The Last Time
Showered: Today
had Sex: *giggle* that's for me and him to know.
Had A Great Time With The Opposite Sex: Got to see Clay and his gang last night. Clay always makes me laugh...but, it's nothing like that
The last time you Jerked off:I assure you, I have no idea what you're talking about.
What Is
Your Good Luck Charm: I guess my Family Medalion necklace that I always wear...but I don't really consider it good luck.
Person You Hate Most: He knows who he is....
The Best Thing That Has Happened To You Today: I got to sleep 'til 3....but that happens EVERYDAY. ;oD
Colors: Grey
Last movie you saw:The Adventures of Sebastian Cole
Subject In high school: AP US History
soup: Broccli and Cheese
Juice: Orange with LOTS of pulp
Cars: Old Mustangs, like our '71 351 Boss. *drool*
Ice Cream: Phish Food
Holiday: Arbor Day
Season: Summer
Breakfast Food: Scrambled Eggs
Place To Go With Your Honey: Whereever he is.
Who Makes You Laugh The Most: These days, Clay...and Arrie and the Station Crowd
Makes You Smile: Lots of people
Gives You A Funny Feeling When You See Them: There are lots of funny feelings I get when I see people. Some people make me nauseous, some people make me squirmy, others make me happy, and still others make me hate guess it depends on the person
Has A Crush On You: No one. I'm not so lucky
Who Do You Have A Crush On: ---
Can Make You Feel Better No Matter What: Arrie, and Spud...
Easier To Talk To, Guys Or Girls:Depends on the topic at hand
Do You Ever
Sit By The Phone Waiting For A Phone Call All Night? I have...
Save AOL Conversations: ....yea. Hmf.
Save E-Mails:rarely
Wish You Were Someone Else: not usually
Wish You Were "A Member Of The Opposite Sex": never really thought about it
Cried Because Of Someone's Mean Words:only my mommy's...but lately, I've become bitter, and hard to even those
Cologne: Whatever smells good.
Perfume: eack
Kiss: Hah...I'll just say #1....cause that will tell you NOTHING. :oP
Romantic Memory: When he told me he wasn't going to be able to see me on a very important day...and then showed up at try-outs with a dozen roses, and nerds.
Most Recent Advice Given: "Be careful..."
Have You
Fallen For Your Best Friend?: A best friend...yes.
Made Out W/ Just A Friend?: yep
Been Rejected?: SO many times, I don't even want to think about it...
Been In Love?: Very much so.
Been In Lust?: Yea, that too
Used Someone? Yea
Been Used? Yep, that too.
Been Cheated On?: Not to my knowledge....
Been Kissed?: many smartass things I could say...but, yea.
Done Something You Regret?: I try not to regret things I do...but there is one.
Who Was The Last Person.
You Touched?: I poked Arrie with a pen tonight...does that count?
You Talked To?: Arrie
You Hugged?: My Doggy
You Instant Messaged?: Tylere
You Yelled At?: Hmm....good question
You Laughed With?: Arrie
Who Broke Your Heart?: That's not something I wish to discuss
Who Told You They Loved You?: Spudly
Do You.
Color Your Hair?: nope
Have Tattoos?: two
Have Piercings?: ears, and belly
Own A Web cam?: nope
Own A Thong?: millions...okay maybe not that many..but, 25, or so...
Ever Get Off The Damn Computer?: no
Sprechen Sie Deutsch?: sure, why not?
Habla Espanol?: muy pequeno
Quack?: All the time!