Daily Meme Day 7

Feb 07, 2021 12:43

7. What places are you really grateful exist?
Music stores and grocery stores and malls :) I need music as much as I need shopping and eating ;)

8. What does it mean to you to be spiritual?
9. Do you believe things happen for a reason?
10. What is your take on making mistakes?
11. Who would you like to trade lives with for a day and why?
12. How would a stranger that met you at a dinner party describe you?
13. How old do you feel?
14. How has getting older helped you deal with challenges in life?
15. When I have a look around my home, it’s very obvious that I…
16. Within the next month I will…
17. 5 years ago I never thought…
18. What are you most fascinated by at the moment?
19. What are the three most dominant emotions in your life right now?
20. What is sure to make you cry?
21. How does the weather effect your mood?
22. What would you change if you knew you could not fail?
23. If you could get rid of anything on the planet what would it be?
24. What would be the ultimate travel experience for you?
25. What’s the most recent show you’ve binge watched?
26. What conclusions did you make about money as a child?
27. What would you like to have less of in your work right now?
28. What did you love to do as a child?

daily meme

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