hey hunn ! I am wicked sorry about everything that has been happening to yu !Yu have gone through a lot lately and not just with kevin ! yu dont deserve to be dealing with all this shit and I am WICKED sorry...! Dont forget that no matter what I still <3 you a TON ! I am always here gurl dont forget the mems..! Go and have funn this week and dont worry about us back home ! I will miss yu ! call me as soon as yu get home so I can talk to yu ! I <3 you !! *Kristyn*
Okay "Anonymous" If you're gunna be so immature and not leave your name then so be it. But Ceara is not redoing 7th grade, and if you knew her you would know. Why don't you shut the fuck up and leave the poor girl alone. If you have nothing better to do then try to agrravate other people, you're a loser. Leave your name, or are you too ashamed of yourself? By the way you write, and talk it seems to be like you're a little younger then Ceara and maybe more immature then it really does seem. Ceara's 2 grades below me, and I don't know how many years younger then me, but I sure as heel am gunna say something. If you can't leave your name then why don't you waste your no life on something else. -Lauren.
~*Okiee! Why DoNt Yah LeT CeReA SolVE Her OWN PrOBlems It seems like everytime someones dissing someone your comment is always after it no matter what. PeOplE ArnT ScArD Of YoU!!**Unless** ~yu tRy Ta Sit On Um..HEHE!*So Take YoUr FaT AsS + SaGgY Big BoObEs AnD GrOw Up!!!!!!!
Fuck you, and the way your write is pathetic. Hah, you think I'm trying to scare little kids'? Hah, no. I think you neeed to "GrOw**!! UpP:) ;) ** !!" My god, why don't you write so someone can read it? And CB? Try leaving your whole name. I think you are scared so I won't know who you really are. Leave it next time, bitch! And sit on someone? How matture to say ..
okayy CB ! YU ARE WICKED COOOLLLL !!! wow ! Yu think yu are all awesome and shit because yu came on someones livejournal and dissed her ! whoever yu are apparently yu arent friends with her and if yu were then yu would know more about her and yu would know that she ISNT stayying back !! WOWW!!! Leave yur god damn name retard !! I am out PEACE! *kristy*<---MY NAME !!
okay..calling me a midget that is WICKED mature of yu ! call me a fuckin albino too CORTNEY BARD ! wowwww...yu dont even know ceara so stay out of her buisness ! *kristyn*
Comments 11
<3 Danielle
*kristy*<---MY NAME !!
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