Title: Cantaloupe Roses
Pairing: KhunYoung
Characters: 2pm
Rating: PG-13
Warning/Disclaimer: I don’t own the guys. Only the storyline. Fluffy.
Summary: Wooyoung can never stay mad at Nichkhun
“You’re perfect,” I stated.
“We’re perfect,” he corrected, bringing his lips to mine once again. )
Comments 12
Wooyoung was just so lovable here. Being mad at Nichkhun for forgetting their 200th day anniversary and then completely forgetting once he saw the rooftop.
Nichkhunwas getting tired from carrying Wooyoung up the stairs. I seriously d'awwed at the end. Khunyoung~! *waves Khunyoung flag*
*hugs adorable babo Youngiee~*
“I knew I would have to do this the hard way,” - i found that this is cute ^^
Nichkhun yelled at people yes, I knew that. He would yell at Junho for missing a note, at Junsu for messing up a dance move. But he never yelled at me. - i think that this is soooo true..lol
awww..and the boys..chan and taec..how can anyone be sooo adorbs!
thanks for this!
*joins everyone waving Khunyoung flag ^^*
I'm Chip, a fan of KhunYoung. I've read your fics and I like them so much!
Anyway, I'm a member of ATF team in khunyoungaholic.com, a forum about Nichkhun/WooYoung. We usually translate English fics into Vietnamese. We want to translate your fics and I need your permission. Do u agree?
Please reply to me soon. Thank u so much ^^
P/S: My email: cut3_g1rl211@yahoo.com.vn
second: i give you permission to translate my khunyoung fic and put it on khunyoungaholic.com, as long as you give me some credit for writing it. :)
my name is zenith, by the way, zee for short
Woobby <333
Thx 4 posting
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