So, yes.
Well not much really. Except preparing for Uni~ watching dramas~ and thinking about ficlet ideas ;)
OMGGGGGGGGGGGGG. As the days get closer, I feel more and more like I'm unprepared, I haven't really started packing my clothes yet LOL. Which is ...kinda important.
& I have to cook for myself and THEREFORE - bring my own cooking utensils. So far? I have scales (LOL for baking rather than cooking) and a wooden spoon? (BLOODY HELL. ITS ALL BAKING STUFF. xD I'll get eat cakes and get fat and die. D8 Or...not. xD)
& I have these rather snazzy bowls to eat out of. If all else fails, I have a rice-cooker and will therefore survive off rice. LOL.
I'm going to end this rant here because its stressing me out and I don't want to dwell on it anymore. (Thats what tomorrow is for! 8D ) and not at all because I want to watch SHIGE's drama 'Troubleman' LOL. Which I discovered started airing ON MY BIRTHDAY. WELL THATS CLEARLY A SIGN LOL. 8D...NOT.
There are like many that I've started recently and then...gotten distracted and ... started another one and then gotten distracted (repeat cycle multiple times LOL).
SO yes....Here are some dramas I'm watching:
Yoochunnie's Sungkyunkwan Scandal - Oh my. Well we have the gorgeousness of Park Yoochun, combined with the gorgeousness of Song Joong Ki (& other gorgeous cast LOL). AS WELL as an awesome plot. :D I'm hooked. This I'm keeping up with LOL.
I AM LEGEND (Anyone else think of the Will Smith movie when they hear that title LOL? Awwweh the poor dog. -sniffle-) Yes. I will admit, I started watching this because I heard UKISS were going to be in it AHAHAHAHA. But, its actually really good. :D & I <3 the main female & male characters. Which is a first, usually I tolerate the main female LOL. There are very few dramas where I've actively loved the main girlie. :)
My Girlfriend is a Gumiho - OH MY GOD. Well. Its worth watching for No Min Woo alone. LOL just kidding~ But it is a really awesome drama. I <3 how Lee Seung Gi's character as well as the beautiful Shin Min Ah (Who I also love as the main female LOL). She's AWESOME. & Its hecka funny aswell LOL.
Autumn's Concerto - Friends kept trying to get me to watch this...and finally they succeeded LOL. Vanness Wu~ I love you. (I loved him before the drama LOL. But they were using him as a selling point xDDD) however, I haven't gotten very far, but it does seem to be a really really good story...Even if it gets really sad later on. I was crying from the first episode actually LOL. is a sap ><
AND FINALLY. The other love of my life (Changmin = love of my life, if you didn't realise that already LOL ...Park Yoochun & Lee Minho seem to fight these two for the top spot though ;) However in Chunnie's case its more of a 'squishChangmin&moldwithhimintoONELOL' <333 Man. I love those two ><) KATO SHIGEAKI's drama 'Troubleman'
I know, I know...its been out for months but what can I say? I take my time watching dramas...unless I get REALLY hooked LOL. Omo~ its only the first episode and already I've screen capped his face like six times >< Aiyaaah. I've missed him&NEWS way too much. BUT their album went on sale today 8D So fellow NEWS-lovers er...go download buy it when you can. :D & THEN its their concert in three days. Eeee~!
ANYWAY. Back to the drama. Yes, since I'm only halfway through the first episode...i can't really say much. Other than the terrible action effects in the opening LOLOL! It wasn't believable AT ALL LOOOOOOL But Shige's seem awesome and I'm looking forward to watching his character grow in depth and the story continue. :D Shige hwaiting...oh wait...GANBATTE~
& That brings us onto the FINAL thing...
YooMin ficlet idea
I'm not saying much because I want it to be a surprise, I have no idea when I'll write this though...
Uhm, but yes.
It was actually a smutty idea which I'm a little scared to attempt to write, but OMO. I could see it SO clearly in my head...>DDDDDD LOL & I really want to try and write this. :D I think it could work out rather well LOL.
LMAOOOOO. It was essentially PWP er...lacking depth? LOL. AHAHAHAHA.
Now. I'm tired and want to watch more of Shige's dorama before I go snoozy snoozy LOL.