All about moi eh? HOW DULL. XDDDD

Sep 15, 2010 23:50

Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. I don't feel like tagging people. I'm lazy and Ally is denying me from indulging in Shige&his drama because of this! ...ilyreallyBb. xDDDD

1). I flail my limbs about randomly. I swear I can't control it most of this time, especially when I'm nervous/anxious/excited. they're pretty long aswell LOL! So...stand back xD So it might not be a good idea to stand by me, if I'm feeling like that.

2). I'm a complete romantic, but struggle with my cynical side which refuses to believe in not so much 'True Love' as the Romantic side smacks that down as LAW LOL the whole romantic notions of love. I find it hard to accept that it really exists...yet, really really hope it does ><

3). I'm a Christian, but struggle with what I believe to the extent where I'm wondering am I actually an Agnostic? But even if I am...I believe I'll follow Christian values/morals because...I believe they are good ones to follow. :)

4). I like scaring people out of their skin's (like creeping up behind them and shrieking loudly and pinching their sides or making a weird noise. Again...I kinda can't control it >< I'm a freak I know...) yet am terrified of scary films. The Ring scared the living daylights out of me (I'm not even talking about the Japanese version LOL!). I had to wait seven freaking days until I felt I was safe even then I waited a hour past the time I watched the film...incase I was off by an hour LOL! and consequently...thats the only horror film I've ever seen LOL.

5). I had an obsession with horses when I was younger I was tempted to keep Ally's answer about Barbies...because ditto 100% LOL and actually used to imagine/wish I was one. ><

6). I was a total tomboy - from the age of 6 onwards I refused to wear skirts & dresses. I only ever wore jeans or shorts...LOL. & its only in the last 3 or 4 years that I've started wanting to wear dresses and skirts etc.

7). I bake. Cakes, cookies, bread. I just <3 baking LOL. 8D It makes me happy.

8). I quit Guides/Brownies for Dragonball Z LOL. The time clashed I quit. xDDD My mum only found that out years later and said if she'd known, she never would've let me quit AHAHAHA.

9). I collect cards. If a see a card I think is really beautiful/eye-catching/interesting I'll buy it and save it...Just incase someone's birthday comes up and it really suits them. However, one thing they don't know - I get upset giving the card away. xDDDD & actually consider going and replacing it...LOL.

10). I stand beside Koreans humming DBSK songs just to see if they would talk to me. *lame* I'm sorry Bb, I couldn't change this LMFAO. TOO TRUE.

11). I talk to myself, and actually reply back sometimes. xD I didn't realise this until my mum pointed it out ahahaha. xD

12). When it comes to food, I have really odd moments where I hate each different type of food to be touching another. Those weird trays you had in high school? Are PERFECT. They had compartments for each type of food 8DDDDD But then I also have moments where I want them to all be touching...I don't understand it either ><

13). It usually takes me awhile to get close to someone...I distrust people first, and it takes a long time for me to trust them properly (Unless you're special ><). Also, if somehow they betray my trust...its really hard to earn it back again >< I don't let people hurt me again...I cut them off.

14). I can create entire scenes in my head (In the drama sense) right from the action, blocking, lighting, costume, staging down to the actor's facial expressions and emotions I want them to portray. To the extent, where I'm considering directing as a career...however, I love Japanese&Korean&, who knows what I'll end up doing LOL.

15). I LoveloveLOVE guys in knitted clothes. When I found out this Autumn/Winter's collection was focused around chunky knits I actually squealed out loud. Thats HOW MUCH I love guys wearing those kinda clothes. If Changmin ever wore a knitted jumper around me ... I wouldn't be able to let him go...>< They look too snuggly. -smacks self-

16). I am actually terrified of picking up unknown number calls...Its ridiculous...O___O; Its not like them can get to me, however, recently...I've felt more like I could. 8D Which is a good sign...I'm getting less afraid LOL!

17). Hangeng got me into Korean music. LMFAO AND HE'S CHINESE. xDDDDDD

18). I'm slightly obsessive when it comes to being tidy. If things are tidy and then become messy by another person I flip out slightly. xD However, if they are already cluttered/messy ...and then it gets worse. I don't care, at all. xD

19). Harry&Draco is Love. LMFAO. That was the first fandom I think I got into AHAHAHAHA.

20). If I'd be asked why I love TVXQ, I can never answer. <33333333333 I couldn't change this either -sniff-

21). I strongly believe in witholding judgement on people. I give people the benefit of the doubt and thats why I actually can't understand anti-fans at all. I actually physically&mentally can't understand where they are coming from...If you dislike a group/band then just don't listen to them...Why must you hate them or wish they don't exist? Everyone has the right to exist and live their life. & people trying to ... ARGH. it just makes me so angry. Really really angry.

22). I share the same birthday with Yamapi& Uee& Leighton Meester&Jesse McCartney& Kristen Stewart etc etc. So many young people have my birthday ><

23). I am extremely gullible. When my mum mentioned she thought I could have 'Scurvy' I actually believed her (she was joking ¬¬) and told the doctor. I then heard my dad laughing behind me and the doctor trying not to laugh aswell. Not fun. I also thought Al Pacino & Al Capone were the same person...and wondered how a convict could act when I thought he was dead already. I thought society must be awfully accepting nowadays. xDDDD

24). I cry sometimes when I think I may never get the chance to meet Yoochun, Changmin, Jaejoong, Yunho and Junsu in this lonely life time. Me too Bb. Me too. -sob-

25). I wonder about odd things and have the worst timing when it comes to talking about them. Like asking how many cows made our leather sofa while we were eating dinner. & Also I wonder if souls start out old, and gradually get younger as our bodies get older...Since I feel much older than my time. I also don't believe I fit with any era really...Not any English ones anyway...There's no timeframe where my personality&beliefs&sense of self would really belong...and Thats quite a lonely thought.

facts, random, about me

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