
Jul 18, 2007 05:07

TITLE: 11 Years Later
PAIRING: Jack/Elizabeth, Will/Elizabeth (implied)
SUMMARY: Part seven. I've tried something, ah, shall I say, different with this chapter. Whether or not it works, I suppose is up to you lot. And, that's all I'll say about that. Hopefully sufficient interest is peaked. :] &! I stilllll need a suitable title ( Read more... )

fanfic, sparrabeth

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Comments 30

erinya July 18 2007, 17:27:13 UTC
Can't tell you how much I love these letters. Such a great Jack voice.

I'm hurt, moved nearly to pouting, a most charming pout, with disheveled hair falling all around my eyes, &ct, &ct. If that image doesn't prompt you to set quill to parchment, then I shall eat my hat, with a nice glaze, or

Oh, Jack. Who could resist that pout?

I take it that not all of those letters of August the 17th were sent. I'm picturing Elizabeth, a bit distraught and inkstained, surrounded by crumpled letters that she's tossed at the wall in frustration.


pyracies July 18 2007, 18:26:19 UTC
I take it that not all of those letters of August the 17th were sent. I'm picturing Elizabeth, a bit distraught and inkstained, surrounded by crumpled letters that she's tossed at the wall in frustration.

None of them, in fact, 'least that was the idea. Glad it came through, I was a bit unsure about that, but I didn't want to sacrifice the minimalistic thing I had going on for the sake of explanation. So, yay!

Thanks for reading, darling. ♥


pyracies July 21 2007, 19:06:02 UTC
PS: Hope you don't mind, but I re-added you to m'FL. I had you on there during heroics and 5thofnovember, but when I made this one I lost some people.


sparrows_swann July 18 2007, 17:31:56 UTC
I love the letter writing. Something I haven't seen before in any J/E fanfics. Poor Jack! Poor Elizabeth! I hope she decides on something and sends that letter to Jack before his heart breaks! :-)


pyracies July 18 2007, 18:27:26 UTC
I hadn't seen it, either, but it occured to me as the only legitimate way to get across our idea of voicemails, in 18th century terms. Heh, so, yeah, I'm insane.

Glad you're enjoying it.


sparrows_swann July 18 2007, 19:50:51 UTC
I forgot to ask you my question:

"he has your eyes"

Is this Elizabeth's son that we've already read about or has she had another son?


pyracies July 18 2007, 21:19:17 UTC
Oh, right! Yes, it's the same child, Jack, from the post-credits, and the second/third chapter. I took advantage of the fact that he was, in fact, wearing a brown leather tricorn and singing a pirate's life for me. TnT were trying to communicate with us, I swear.


mayfair_mayfair July 18 2007, 21:47:58 UTC
Oh that last line just about broke my heart. :much love:


pyracies July 19 2007, 00:43:50 UTC
♥ thanksss.


tephroliah July 19 2007, 01:44:55 UTC
LOVE FOR THE STRIKETHROUGHS. LOOOOVE. It's just so.... them. That's that's where all the real communication is. All the things that matter. It sort of cracks me up and breaks my heart at the same time.

Nottheend. *reproving finger-waggle*


pyracies July 19 2007, 04:36:09 UTC

no finger waggle. I promise I'll make it up to you.


ladyxxliz July 19 2007, 02:00:37 UTC
So sorry I haven't commented on this story before, but I have been reading it since the beginning. Unfortunately time has not allowed me to comment until now. But I love the story, it's beautiful and very in character. I loved Elizabeth's letters, they're so sad and real. Wonderful job, love.


pyracies July 19 2007, 04:36:39 UTC
Heh, that's quite alright, I'm glad you've enjoyed it thus far. :]


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