Lightning Strikes Twice, Parts 4/4 COMPLETE

Jan 31, 2012 06:26

Title:  Lightning Strikes Twice, coda for The Devil’s Playground (Parts 3/4)
Author:  kag523 
Fandoms:  Battlestar Galactica / Source Code crossover
Characters:  Sam, Kara, Dreilide, Lee, Gianne, Admiral Zakhar, Sue-Shawn and other canon and non canon characters.
Pairings:   Kara / Sam (main), Baltar / Six (mentioned)

Current Word Count:  ~32,000 words
Rating:  NC-17 for sexuality, violence and other mature themes.
Warnings:  Non-canon character deaths and child abuse.
Summary:   Sam returns to his past, determined to stop the end of the worlds from happening.  The question becomes, how much of the rest of his life has changed in the meantime?
Spoilers: An AU taking place pre-mini in a world where Kara was removed from her mother’s care after her fingers were broken.  Generalized spoilers for BSG canon.  Generalized spoilers for Source Code.
Disclaimer: The following work of fiction is based on Ron Moore & David Eick's re-imagined Battlestar Galactica, 2003 and on Duncan Jones’ 2011 film, Source Code. The rights to the characters, situations and storylines from this series reside with the associated authors and studios. I make no claim to these rights, nor is this work intended for any monetary gain. It is simply a creative process.
Author’s Notes:  The original fic was written for lizardbeth_j for the Ship Swap at BSG Epics. The overall idea for the first fic was a crossover with the movie Source Code, though you can certainly read it without having seen the film.  This particular coda is for lizardbeth_j and for sunshine_queen who both love Sam / Kara as much as I do.  At present there are rough plans for four parts, but I plan to stretch them out as each part works on its own since I’m writing other things too.  (So don’t hold me to quick postings, please.)
Part 1A
Part 1B

Part 2A
Part 2B
Part 3A
Part 3B
Part 4A
Part 4B
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