Title: Just a Little Game
Setting: In-game, Kilika.
Theme + Number: #31, "Games".
Character/Relationship/Pairing: Dona.
Rating: K.
Warnings: None.
Summary: The name of the game is "race to Zanarkand", and there's no reason not to thin the competition out a little early on.
Just a Little Game )
Comments 3
I'm very pleased this plot bunny has bit you. Dona is the only character that X-2 made me more interested in. She's complex and the bitchiness has a lot of sense mixed in with the scorn.
You're just glad I'm writing it so you don't have to. ;P Dona really is one of the few NPCs who didn't get seriously flattened out character-wise by X-2. It just gets more obvious there that she's holy hell stubborn (like all summoners) and bitchy and smarter than you might think and has a lot of caring buried under there somewhere. And bitchy. But that's okay. I like her like that.
Yes, yes, that sums up Dona very nicely.
Random thought: X-2 would've been a lot better if Dona had turned out to be running the LeBlanc Syndicate.
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