Title: This Story Needs More Power Ballads
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Dean/Castiel
Word Count: ~3000
Warnings: General s5 spoilers. Nothing specific for later episodes. Um, other than that? Unintentional voyeurism, maybe?
Summary: In which Dean has an angelic boyfriend and Sam is a better brother than anyone gives him credit for.
Sam’s life sucks. No, really. And it’s because of Dean and Castiel. )
Comments 174
I love love LOVE the tone of this, so conversational and snarky and long-suffering and OH MY GOD IT'S FREAKING AWESOME.
I wish I had better, more intelligent, more insightful things to say, but basically all I've got right now is "you are a genius and you should write something like this several times a week and publish it to the comm so that I can devour it and love you for it".
And I think the things you said were awesome! I'm grinning like crazy. Thank you so much! -loves on you-
I was laughing so hard by the end of this. The image of Bobby and Sam sitting in Bobby's house trying desperatly to ignore the angel/bro love going on in the basement was insanely wonderful and completely made my morning. .
I love stories like this. I love reading Sam's reactions to Dean/Castiel more than I like reading Dean's reaction to Dean/Castiel, honestly. Maybe because it's a little less cynical and soul crushing. Or maybe it's just because I adore accepting, endearing younger brother Sam so much more than world ending, bastard younger brother Sam.
This was wonderful. ♥♥
Anyhow, I am thrilled that you liked my little story. I can't thank you enough for your time and kind words.
Thank you!
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