DCMB 2010 - Notes and Thanks

Aug 05, 2010 02:58

Notes and thanks~


This monstrosity started out as a birthday gift for sycophantastic way back at the end of May. It never would’ve come into existence had she not left me one of the nicest comments I’d ever received-on a commentfic I’d written for her by chance. It was so awesome, actually, that I followed her back to her journal and poked around. When I saw her post mentioning that her birthday had just passed, I determined to take some of her old comment_fic prompts and construct a little happy-belated-birthday fic for her as thanks.

Fast forward to the middle of August and taa-daa. What had started out as a ficlet is now well over twice as long as my previous longest-work-ever. It incorporates three separate prompts and then runs wild with the rest. It has earned its train-wreck status.

Some notes before I get to the thank-you part:

This is Castiel’s car. It was hrtslkths who told me he should drive a Rabbit, and then I took it upon myself to find the perfect make, model, and year. Marvel at its beauty.

The stock at BOOM was based heavily upon the delightful confections at Holl's Chocolates in Parkersburg, West Virginia. I don’t know why I decided to make Gabe’s shop WWII-chic, but the H-Bomb, A-Bomb, and Whiskey Tango Foxtrot all exist in real life (under different monikers, of course). And believe me, people, they really are fucking amazing.

Also, this. Just this. Anna has a “bibliophibian” shirt. Cas got it for her last Christmas. She wears it to work all the time. (Anna, by the by, got Cas a make-your-own-sushi set. They tried it out one slushy day in January and utterly failed to produce attractive sushi. It still tasted pretty good, though. But god, Castiel kept finding little bits of sticky rice everywhere for days afterward.)

That little detour brings me to another point: although it was never explored in the fic itself due to most of it being told from Dean’s POV, Castiel and Anna are best friends. Cas still isn’t sure how it happened. Anna still occasionally finds herself wishing he was straight, because it’d be so much easier to just fall in love with someone you already love.

I did the Cliff Notes of their epic friendship here, if you’re curious: taa-daa.

Seriously, you guys, it’s ridiculous how much I adore librarians!Cas&Anna. I, like, wanna write wedding fic where Anna’s getting married a few years down the road and Cas is her Man of Honor and he’s ridiculously nervous and Dean hates the fact that he has to wear a suit so they comfort each other by fumbling around in a closet at the wedding venue. And then afterward Anna dances with both Cas and Dean and tradition dictates that Cas has to make a speech but Anna notices how uncomfortable he is and finds him before the reception and tells him he doesn’t have to. But when the time comes he just stands up and says that he loves her and he’s so happy for her and he demands to still be allowed to drive her home on rainy days. And she just grins at him and the new husband laughs and Cas sits down and he’s shaking just from that because he hates talking in front of people and Dean bumps his shoulder and tells him that was great. Oh my god, you people, I hate wedding fic and I love these two so much that I wanna write this. Jesus.


I have a whole HOST of people to thank for helping me get this sucker done. After all, it takes a village to raise an idiot.

First and foremost, of course, is my dear sycophantastic, who I’m proud to call my internet fiancée wife. What started as a casual stalkerdom has in turn led to one of the best friendships I’ve ever had in fandom. Your boundless enthusiasm and support-and pom-pom emoticons-kept me going when I didn’t even want to LOOK at my documents anymore. Thank you, bb.

A close second is all the lovely ladies of Team Awesome, with special mentions to jabber_moose and hrtslkths. You guys are the coolest damn people in the world, you know that?

I have to thank everyone on my Twitter feed who put up with my constant spazzing and bitching, too. kiltyk, mithrel, moorishflower, arialyre, pandionpandeus, tiptoe39, lazy_daizy26, krystalicekitsu, kijikun, trinityofone, sansdatelimite, io87, hils, cloudyjenn, angelicmousegrl-I'm tipping my hat to you. All of you. Jeez, you guys-you spoil me with your constant cheerleading and bolstering.

A special thanks goes to annundriel, who used her librarian-fu to answer a shit-ton of questions during an eleventh-hour freakout. You kick ass, library-lady.

To all of the mods at deancasbigbang, a sheepish thank you for your leniency when I failed to stick with the schedule like a proper mini-bang author.

To my poor, put-upon artist sijay, my thanks for putting up with me and my communication issues.

To unreckless, for telling my summary wasn’t awful even as I tried to hide my face in my skein of yarn. The love of a million Deadmarktopi for you.

To all of the lovely nonnies at spnpermanon, for being really nice about my summary when it was revealed. I was terrified you’d hate it, but by-and-large your comments were blush-inducingly positive. And, to the nonnie who wishes we’d stop making Cas a librarian because it’s shorthand for meek and quiet-I hope you don’t find him TOO much of a shrinking violet. If, uh, you ever read the fic.

And once more to sycophantastic, hrtslkths, and jabber_moose, for undertaking the frightening task of betaing this thing.

Right, so, I think that’s it. If you’re not mentioned by name somehow but you even just WITNESSED me freaking about my mini-bang, I thank you too. You guys rock my world. Thumbs up, dudes.

And, uh, happy (very belated) birthday, Gina. ♥


friends and other various riff-raff, damn you gina!, the mini bang that ate ohio, i love you people, squeeeee!, and this one's for..., fic-related, a wild secondary character appears!, fandom is amazing, that show with the brothers and the car, writing is hard

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