Yet more proof that my brain isn't connected up correctly...
Title: Christmas in Zanarkand
Fandom: Final Fantasy X
Characters: Auron / Tidus
Rating: Utterly Safe! Whee!
Word Count: 1,006
Warnings: OMG! A happy ending and little Tidus thrown in for good measure!
Notes: I was walking home from work in the blistering heat yesterday and for some
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Comments 8
I loved Tidus skipping every other stair on the way down.
Now I can't get this image out of my head of a much-put-upon Auron dressed up with a white beard and a pilow stuffed in his coat, trying to stick presents under the tree the next year.
Yes next year he will be ready! That image is great! Knowing Auron's luck that would be the year Tidus works out that Santa isn't real and will come down stairs going "Auron... what are you doing with that pillow?!"
The idea of Auron dragging a tree through a busy Zanarkand made me laugh so hard I had to write it! ^_~
I'm glad you picked up on the chocolate thing, I always had the impression that Auron was one of those "cause = reaction" people, "chocolate = quiet"
Intruder Santa, it had to be done. It's such a weird tradition when you think about it, I assumed the first reaction would be the Guardian instinct.
I love your reviews! Thank you!
(No nitpicking?!)
But upon closer inspection: "Warily Auron gave in. He pulled himself up so he was sitting and stared at the young boy, then stretched and yawed languidly." Just a typo on "yawned."
"Auron was denied a further chance to question as Tidus left the bedroom lightening fast." Typo on "lightning."
"Auron frowned, hoping it wasn’t another group of those damned singers he went to answer it." Period or semi-colon after "frowned."
"It’s the Christmas gifts, Jecht ordered them before he went missing." And a period or semi-colon should replace the comma here.
Still, see? Only trivial little mistakes. There was hardly anything to find at all. :)
And yes, Auron's bewilderment over the Christmas holiday amuses me to no end. It's an awesome little story.
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