Title: Diversion
Fandom: Final Fantasy X
Characters: Auron and Lulu *cough* yeah... Lulu... ^_^'
60_minute_fics (18+? Go join up and mention my name :P)
Rating: Worksafe? *laughs* Smut!
Notes: Again another 60 minute hit of fiction so don't expect it to be any sort of diamond!
Diversion )
Comments 12
*Ieyes water a little*
It's so hot and sensual and them, and even without plot, you managed to capture the poignancy of this possibility. If one imagines it, it's always set against the backdrop of where he's going.
I epecially liked this line (along with the sex): "tonight they could step down from the pedestal of being role models".
Don't forget to drop a link in aulu! :)
*rushs to aulu* Completely forgot! Thanks for reminding me!
I love how he thought of what will happen to her when he is gone.
This pairing has "tragedy" stamped all over them but its still my favourite T_T Can I add you to my flist?
pssst: You may like this, how sad is that?! I'm pimping my own work in my own journal *groan* !!!
Glad you liked this ^_^
I like the way that you make this into a kind of game between them. All of the best lovers are able to be playful in bed.
I like the way you described the pyre flies so subtly here.
I like the idea of Lulu's kisses "scoring" Auron's chest more than her nails seem to mark him.I like that she is ardent enough she manages to twist Auron into the duvet.
It's interesting the way there are sort of mixed signals in here. In one sense the moment lasts forever, in another it is terribly fleeting and every second brings them closer to the end.
Do you know what my goal is? My goal is to post something up here that you can't find an error in! When I manage that I will have truly mastered... errrhhm... something!
*humble smile*
Thank you, all cleaned up now ^_^
Is that your way of telling me that I'll never achieve my goal... I kinda like sentance fragments, sometimes they can get a point across so well. (I had no evil green lines of doom on this though?!)
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