Title: Lights Fandom: Final Fantasy X Characters: Auron & teenage Tidus Rating: Safe Spoilers: Some... maybe For: 60_minute_fics Notes: Because I take myself far to seriously sometimes...
I really admire the detail in this. Auron coughing into his coffee, Tidus stirring his cereal...these establish and solidify your scene. I like that your Auron is able to deflect the question --by the time they return to Spira, it seems he has a pretty good handle on Tidus. I too am interested in the relationship between dream Zanarkand and Spira, so I selfishly hope you explore it more!
Sometimes I see pretty little lights too (they look a lot like your journal background, except they fly around), but luckily I as live in the 21st century, I haven't been banished to the asylum and know that they are due to my low blood pressure. Yay for medical science!
I see those lights too, normally when I get really dizzy or move too quickly. I have a lovely list of medical issues I could link it too so I have no idea what really causes it, is it wrong that I've never told a doctor about it?
I'm hoping to write more Zanarkand pieces, young Tidus and Auron make me laugh so hard, so I will certianly be diving back in there again next time an idea hits! ^_^
hnnn, I don't even know the fandom but I like how you really let puberty hit without making it look too extreme. I also liked your discription of Auron's attitude and all that by simply letting us watch his movements and reactions instead of making him talk a lot. ^-^
Comments 3
Sometimes I see pretty little lights too (they look a lot like your journal background, except they fly around), but luckily I as live in the 21st century, I haven't been banished to the asylum and know that they are due to my low blood pressure. Yay for medical science!
I see those lights too, normally when I get really dizzy or move too quickly. I have a lovely list of medical issues I could link it too so I have no idea what really causes it, is it wrong that I've never told a doctor about it?
I'm hoping to write more Zanarkand pieces, young Tidus and Auron make me laugh so hard, so I will certianly be diving back in there again next time an idea hits! ^_^
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