There is a whole mess of crap that I have to share. It'll be fun! Anywho, this post is going to be dedicated to
So one night many weeks ago me Marcus Alia and Prabhu decide we want to go to the city. Alia is my suitemate, and Prabhu is Marcus'. So as we are walking to Bart Prabhu ditches us because we are being dumb. Whatever. We continue on, get on the train and decide that if we go north, we can intercept the train going south to the city, and then we will be on our way. That didnt work, and we ended up in El Cerrito, which is two towns up from Berkeley. Or maybe one. Whatever.
The trains stop at midnight and it was 12:07. Fuck. We decide to wander around until we can find a but stop, or a place to hang out until we think of a better plan. The El Cerrito station lets you out into a giant shopping center; think McCarthy Ranch in Milpitas. We walked through it and discovered that there was nothing happening at all. Only a doughnut shop man making sugary treats. He waved back at us.
We wander some more. Then all of a sudden, we hear music. Yea! When you are lost, it is always wise to walk towards the music, because music means people and people help you when you are lost. It turns out the music was coming from inside a bar called Mel-o-dees, or some crap. We debate for a while if we should go in since they might just kick us out because we arent 21, but we decide to go in.
Thats when we stepped into an alternate universe. We walk past the bar and back into this room with a very small dance floor and velvety feeling wallpaper. There is a heavy set middle-aged hippie woman singing "Play that funky music white boy" and four other middleaged people dancing on the small floor. Naturally, we decide to boogie down!!
After the song we took some nearby seats and tried to figure out just what the hell was going on. The hippie woman sat down by us and returned to her drink, and started cracking some dirty jokes. They were funny, but she was well, old. We told her we went to the university and blah blah, and that we stumbled upon this place, and then she tells us how we can get home by taking a certain bus, but then decides, hell! she just came back from playing the slots in Vegas so she will share her cab with us because we are on her way home!
Okay now to help you keep up, the score:
-free entertainment
-free ride home
And it gets better! The people there were all regulars, including hippie woman, and all others shaking booty on the dance floor. One lady approaches us because we looked really green I guess, and she tells us how to get our names put on the list to sing, and how to pick the song and such. Her name was Kimberly. What was even cooler was the fact that this woman works at our school, and she offered us summer jobs!! Just as long as we promised not to tell anyone that we've seen her "fucked up." Ha!
-free entertainment
-free ride home
-job hook up
Sweet. I think most of the reason Kimberly talked to us was because she liked "Marcus' groove," and she was kinda flirting with him. Given she was kinda drunk, and the whole thing was just crazy as hell so she might as well add to the craziness. And she was old enough to be his mother. Alia and I went to the bathroom, and the floor was carpet!! carpet! That place was insane. (We are all getting on Bart and going there for my 20th birthday over next Christmas break, btw).
Yea, then the cab ride home with that woman was insane. There was some girl already in the cab, so Alia had to share the front seat with her, and I sat inbetween Marcus and fat hippie woman in the back. It was odd because the cab driver, the random girl, and the hippie woman all had been (or at least seemed) previously acquainted, so they just picked up the conversation and went with it. Much of it was about how hippie woman used to take her ex-housemates motorized wheelchair through the Taco Bell drive thru, and once rear-ended a pickup in it, and how she drives it home from Mel-o-dees, and honks in the tunnels for the echo. INSANE.
When we got dropped off in Berkeley, we all just got out of the cab, and as we returned to our normal universe we just laughed histerically in the streets, because it was 3 am, and we had just visited another planet--on accident!
We went back again later on and Prabhu came, and we all sang "I can see clearly now" and when we called a cab to get home, it was the crazy cab driver.
And life is sweet.
After the first visit there and reflecting on the event on the way home, we decided then that we wouldn't mind aging. You know, as long as I stayed fairly drunk, and could make life better for other people. And like the hippie said, "Live everyday as if it were your last, and every night like it was your first."
What a champ.
Right now my neighbors are having a loud drunk party, and normally they arent this loud so I am annoyed. I'm also annoyed that one of them was blocking my drive way. I had one of those moments where I wished I could have super-strength, and then I'd just move their car out of my way. Another day.