Firstly, my internets are being retarded. A lot. Secondly, my intro to logic class hurts my face. Thirdly,
I was totally expecting either the basket head or the randomly put together, poorly-fitting greys to go home. For the girl who went home, the top of her outfit wasn't any more poorly fitting than that boring blue thing with the poof at the front of the skirt (totally unattractive, btw). And it was way better fitting than Basket Case's sack. Yeah, the undies were'nt sexy, and yeah, they were last minute, but it was far from the worst design on that runway. That being said, I don't know if I could ever be on Project Runway, because firstly, I would have so much trouble coming up with a coherent design that expressed myself (mostly because I'm not a coherent personality), and also I'm not sure if I'd be able to make myself make all those dresses/in so little time/with such limited supplies. Also, the coffee filters? Totally didn't know what they were until it popped up on the screen. And if that was the only material, how were the straps made?
And that's what I think about that.
EDIT:>> Oh, I also won the RENT lottery a couple weeks back (up to 2 $20 tickets, first 2 rows), and one of the other girls who won was totally a black version of Marybeth, only actually black.