hey, let's blab about inconsequential aspects of my life!

Nov 05, 2009 01:00

Please Don't Squeeze The Meat Shield.

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I feel kind of pathetic right now. When I look up, and I am looking up as I type this... (Looking at the screen while you type is for LOSERS!!) Anyway, when I look up, all I see is the top part of my cheap-ass IKEA desk/bookshelf, and it is filled with textbooks. Textbooks. I don't have any novels with me :(

WTF, man? It's like "reference, reference, foreign language, reference in a foreign language". Those are the genres in my mini-bookshelf. Oh, and somehow a sketchbook got stuck up there, too. It is filled with NOTES, baby! Because I was too lazy to reach behind me for a notebook, and the sketchbook only had some disgusting looking stick people in it at the time.

It's a sad, sad thing that I can't remember the last novel I read that wasn't for school. Um... In English, that is. And I don't mean porny e-books, either. Huh? What? I don't read those...

This pic... I saw that and thought, "Haha that is me. Oh noes!" EXCEPT I'M GOING COMMANDO! Except I don't wear glasses, and my mouth is shaped like a mouth. That is grinning madly. All the time. For no reason. (I need glasses to up my geek cred.)

And my desktop is filled with paints that I didn't put away with my art supplies, and a giant bottle of Miracle Bubbles that I bought for 50 cents so that I could blow bubbles at Prowl when she was still with me. THAT DAMN CAT. SHE YOWLED AND RAN AWAY FROM MY BUBBLES. CATS ARE SUPPOSED TO LOVE BUBBLES. FUCKIN' CAT TOOK A DUMP IN MY SINK AND I STILL CAN'T GET OVER THAT.

God, I hate cats. They're so cute, yet smelly. I'm more of a toad person. Toads, now... They're so cute. Cuter than cats, and not smelly. I miss the pet toads from my childhood. I miss seeing them viciously tear into helpless crickets and swallow them whole.

...Crickets are cute, too.

My hands are cold and tingly. I made a doctor's appointment! Yay! I'm probably...going to need MOAR NEEDLES shoved up some veins. The fatigue and inability to concentrate are still here, and I was stupid and thought it was just stress. NOTE TO SELF: YOU ARE STUPID. YOU HAVE ANEMIA. GEE, MAYBE THAT'S THE PROBLEM? But no, I was stupid and never really read all the symptoms, and I thought, "o hai thar i iz on iron, so iz all ok dur hur". Chronic illness? Who cares?


You see? I am a responsible adult. I can take care of myself.

November. November is bad. November is NaNo and a bunch of essays, and I am working on neither. I should have been contacting my partner for this one project and working my ass off on that, but I kind of let it slide and now I think he's pissed at me. This is weird. I think it's the first time I wasn't the leader-type-person for a school project. Now I'm the "slacker that everyone hates", except there's only one other person working on this, so only one person hates me.

So I bought some shoes. They are shiny and sexy. I feel like a WOMAN. As opposed to how I regularly feel - like an egg tart. Flaky on the outside, eggy sweet yellow mushy on the inside.

Hey. I want to go to the Asian market and get one of those cool ear picks, like the ones with Hello Kitty on them. And I was just dicking around on Wikipedia... Did you know there are two types of ear wax? I didn't know that. Seriously? Earwax can be brown and moist? Eeeewww~

Okay, enough chatter. Now for WORK.

random pie, i suck at life

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