I did this for GraviRating and thought it was funny and i'd share XD
First off
Name pyrrotsumi
Date of birth January 17
Age 18
Where did you hear about
gravirating My friend had an ugly stamp on her lj and I wanted one
Hobbies drama, cosplaying, drinking…heavily XD, partying
Talents taking shots with a straight face, sewing, lying, witty banter, fucking
Likes high-end couture, dancing, cigarettes, europe, poetry/prose
Dislikes ugly people, fat people, bull dykes, a bad sense of humor
Strong points “You’re funny?” um… I can bench press quite a bit.
Weak points everything makes me cry like a sally, I fear commitment
How do your friends decribe you loud, funny, ellitist fuck, “meanie-head”, stupid slut
Would you do any thing for a friend . . . if they did something for me. >_>
Favorite Color red/orange, or black
Favorite Food I don’t really like food. It makes me fat. I try not to consume it.
Favorite Bad Luck song? Spicy Marmalade. It’s groovy and makes me think of children’s books
Favorite Nittle Grasper song? The shining one because it sounds like jewish polka and it makes me wanna stomp around and drink… heavily.
Favorite Gravitation song? I can tell you right now what it isn’t! And that’s in the moonlight because fucking christ that song sucks balls!
Favorite Gravitation character? shuuichi. he can’t do anything and makes me feel better about myself. It’s like “Oh man…atleast shuuichi knows how I feel.” *blinks…stares at tv awkwardly…takes another shot*
Favorite Gravitation pairing? yuki/shuuichi- I hate typing such a typical answer but… they’re so brian/justin.
Bad Luck, ASK or Nittle Grasper? ASK are funny because they’re such unconventional rivals. All they do is suck ass and rape people. I love them. And I like nittle grasper because they’re all so badass and noriko is hot…and definitely didn’t marry for love. XD
Manga or Anime? MANGA. I saw the anime when I was wee and I thought it was so cool-10 years old and all starry-eyed like “Oohhh bois kissign!” Now I can’t stand the anime, but Murakami’s original humor is priceless.
If you could be a Gravitation character for 24 hours, who would you be? Yuki I guess
Why? He gets all the good tang
Almost there, PULL~ my finger
Hyper or Calm? Typically hyper. I drink a lot of coffee.
Leader or Follower? Leader.
Logical or Impulsive? Impulsive.
Conservative or All-out? All fucking out X)
Any goal in life? Try not to live past 50. I couldn’t stand wrinkles.
Have you ever had an imaginary friend/stuffed animal? Most of my stuffed animals were real, I think. I hope. I’ve had a lot of hallucinations, but no friends that stuck around after it wore off. ;_; boohoo LOL
Pick any animal of your choice: ai-ai (some weird monkey with long fingers)
Why that? one time I was watching national geographic really high and they were on tv and I cried because they scared the fuck out of me. I didn’t believe they were real. O_O
How often do you cry in a day? More like, maybeeeeee twice a week.
Pick any object of your choice; toilet
Why that? I have to piss really badly.
If a random person walks up to you and holds your hand all of a sudden, what would you do? If they’re ugly, punch them in the genitalia. If they’re fat, attempt to punch them in the genitalia. If they’re attractive, smirk and know im the man, mutha fuck!
Just for fun
Who do you think you'll get? The men who tried to rape ayaka XD
Do you think we should add and/or remove some questions in the application? I don’t understand the stuffed animal one
Who do you think will stamp you, mod or co-mod? Everyone will together because there’s no I in teamwork- jesus christ
Does the mod rock? I don’t know
Do the co-mods rock? Probably not- tool bags.
Do the members rock? Uhh… probably not.
Pika pika? *rips ass*
Pico pico? MILF
Anything Else?
I cosplayed shuuichi once. i had to cut my hair really short and I looked ri-cock-ulous.
i sold my coat on ebay and got a lot of money. which I probably spent thoughtlessly.
Im 5’1”
The spare key is under the rug… chocolate XD
Im a bi-sexual-predator. I tried being a lesbian for a while, but I just love itallians, what can I say lawl
oh, and im a cosplay whore. the end!